A chef.

A nurse.

A hotel manager.

A police woman.

These are just some of the girls’ responses when I asked them “if they could be anything in the world, what would it be?”

If they could dream anything.

If they could change something.

If they believed they could make a difference?

What would it be?

Do they believe? Do they really believe these things about themselves?

Or do they just believe the lies that are placed over them by how they’re treated and how they’re made to feel.

Do they believe that all they are really worth is the price that people pay for them?

That all they really are is what those men say and do to them.

But deep down I know, we all know. 

They’re miserable.

They’re lonely.

They’re trapped. 

They’re sad.

Their bodies move numbly to the beat while their faces stare lifelessly into the crowd.

After a long night of work, after they wipe away the makeup and take off the 6 inch heels, after the buzz ends, they are empty and broken.

And it repeats.

They have kids to feed and simply have to do what they have to do to survive. 

They don’t have the finances to pay for college, so they are stuck selling themselves and being treated like an object to be bought and used just so that they can get by.

And some don’t even have a choice and were tricked into this industry.

Why was I born into a world where college and being able to dream to do anything is a reality and they were born into this?

Now that, I can’t answer.

But I do know that we have one thing in common to our deepest core. We are all God’s daughters.

God loves those girls and ladyboys so much. And He has great plans for them. And He wants them to dream. And He wants to see them set free. And He wants to make them new. 

And that’s where we come in. That’s our job as believers.

Christ has set us free. We have the power of Christ in us to set others free.

“Go and speak of what I’ve done for you.”

Everyday God is walking us home. To our real home with Him in eternity. Along the way it’s our job to show people about His love and tell people about His freedom and salvation. 

And one day they’ll walk Home with us. 

Hand in hand.

And we trust in that.

“Walking Street” in Angeles City has a different meaning to me as I think about the hope and light that enters into that dark place. 

God is walking His children home.

He’s walking me home. 

He’s walking you home.

He’s walking his daughters who walk onto that stage every night home.

And yes, He’s walking His sons who walk those girls down the street to the nearest hotel home too. 

Thank you Lord for your saving grace. For your redemption. For making all things new. For making all things beautiful. 

Your Kingdom come, Father.

Hallelujah, amen.