Hello, my name is Aaron Strother. I am 21 years old. I was born 12 weeks early weighing 2 lbs 5 ozs. So I came into this world a fighter!
God sent a wonderful Christian Family to adopt me at five weeks of age who would guide me through all the struggles I would face in life. Growing up I experienced many trials from being premature. As I look back I realize that throughout all of those struggles God was always with me.
I gave my heart to the Lord around 12 years of age. Since that time my faith was shaky. In the good times I drew closer to God and during the bad I turned away.
I was blessed to be able to go on two missions trip with my church in 2016 and 2017. One to Peru, the other to Haiti. On these two trips the Lord opened my eyes to all of the hurting and suffering in the world. I left a piece of my heart with the children in those two countries.
Since graduation because of my learning disabilities I have had difficulty finding my direction in life. I have tried and failed in seeking several occupations, the entire time the experiences of these two trips remained in the back of my mind. About three months ago; in a dream, I believe God revealed to me that I should be doing missions work. I really did not know how to proceed to follow Him. Then out of the blue an old friend from a previous Church I attended reached out to me by social media and told me he is currently on the World Race. I have checked it out and after much prayer feel God is leading me in this direction.
I am excited to see how God is going to work in and through me on this trip. I feel that I am completely inadequate to carry out this calling of God, but I am reminded that “God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called”.
I need everyone who reads this to do 2 things for me. The first is to pray. Pray that God continues to guide my every step in this process and uses me to fulfill His calling. The second is to please pray about supporting me. I know that $19,200 seems like a lot of money but God is able! Your prayers will continue to lift me up as I prepare for this journey and your financial support would help me to fulfill this calling. No donation is too small! You may even want to provide monthly support like my mom and dad are doing. Just click on the link on this site to do that.
3 John 1:5 says “Dear Friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you.”