“The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving”

I have had a small struggle with leaving India and coming to Nepal. India was absolutely amazing and through the Holy Spirit I learned so much about ministering to those who have so little. There were not many luxuries that I cherished such as coffee shops, american food, or even toilet paper (We had toilet paper from home). There was not clean air because of the lack of a cleaning system in the cities and trash all over the ground. There wasn’t much that I was accustomed to but I absolutely loved the unique gems of India that I didn’t see originally upon arrival. It became easier for me to minister to those who I thought had so little. You ask, “whats the problem then Aaron?” The problem is that Nepal does not have as big of an issue in the capital city of Katmandu.

I mean there are still people in Katmandu that need help, but it’s difficult for me to see because it’s more “cultured” than India. I am sure that there are more people living in poor conditions. I just haven’t seen it yet so it’s been difficult for me to notice.

The one thing I have noticed, even though I haven’t see the super poor, is the fact that there are still people who are lost. Nepal is 80% Hindu, 10% Buddhist, 8% Muslim, and only 1% Christian. That stat itself shows the importance of me being here sharing the gospel. The people here need to know the gospel and even though the government just passed a law two weeks ago forbidding people from trying to convert, I am willing to make the sacrifice anyway. Paul was willing to in scripture so why should I be scared.

Not just Nepalis people either! With the capital being westernized, there are so many different types of people who come here as tourists. From Canadians and Americans who are backpacking through the area, to Europeans from the United Kingdom and France coming for a chance to score free weed. The harvest here is ripe for the picking, I just have to be willing to pluck the field. (Luke 10:2)

India was amazing and I am thankful for the fact that I got to minister in such a beautiful country to start off my year long ministry, but I know my time there is done for now. God has put me in Nepal for the Napili people now. I can still pray for the country of India, but now I must be present in this country and love them now.

Thank You for keeping up with my blogs. God is truly doing amazing things through this ministry. Not just in me but for my who squad. Ministry has been beautiful and people have come to know Jesus. We need to celebrate in that! You need to celebrate in that. I am still at $11,000 and working towards my final goal of $16,000 to pay off the trip. Any help would be appreciated and also rewarding for the Kingdom. I love you and God bless.

The Napali People are important and need Jesus’s love!