For the first seventeen years of my life I was trying to find out what me talent was.  I mean everyone has some sort of talent.  Something that they just can easily do.  Michael Jordan had basketball, Babe Ruth had baseball, Michael Phelps has swimming, Jerry Rice had football, Michelangelo was an artist, and Beethoven a composer.  You could say that each of these people were the best at what they did.  When they did it, it was as simple as walking. 

I had no clue what my talent was.  I tried basketball, but apparently a 5’10 white kid with no speed or jumping ability doesn’t make it that far when all they can do is shoot.  I tried football, and I got ran over by linemen because I was a skinny little guy with no weight added on.  I tried art, apparently when you draw stick figures in art class it’s not that impressive.  I tried so hard to find out what I was good at.

 As I turned seventeen I still tried sports and multiple other things trying to figure out what I could be good at.  I remember sitting in kitchen trying to figure out what I was good at and it was getting to a point that I would even put myself down because I didn’t have a “thing.”  It was around thanksgiving at this time and mom every year would spend Thanksgiving helping out at the local community center passing out food.  She could be doing anything on her holiday off but this is what she did every year.  She asked me if I would come and help her for Thanksgiving, at first I was really hesitant because at times I become shy when I am outside of my comfort zone, but eventually I told mom that I would help her. 

So Thanksgiving day comes around and I was grouchy when mom came to wake me up at 7 A.M.   She said if I was going to help I needed to get up and get dressed.  It took me awhile to get myself out of bed and into the shower to get ready but I eventually did.  I remember getting to the community center and being told to set up the tables and chairs.  I started setting them up as people came in a little at a time.  Most of the people were older with a few middle aged people mixed in as well.  One of the older woman sat down in a chair next to where I was standing and started a conversation.  She told me about how she had lost her husband years earlier and her children didn’t have the money to come and see her.  She came to the community center every year because she had nowhere else to go.  I remember feeling a hint of sadness in my heart for the woman.  Having an understanding of why my mom did this every year now.  With that we started a conversation.  I told her about my family and a little about my life.  She showed a smile that lit up the room.  She just loved the fact that someone took interest into her and wanted to talk to her.  It was one of happiest moments of my life as well become it opened up the talent that I had been looking for.  The talent was just loving people and listening.

As more and more people came in, I was able to talk to the people and just naturally love them.  They would open up about their life and I would just listen.  This all coming from Mom just saying “come help me on thanksgiving.”  It’s crazy how God is and the talents he gives us.  I have been able to use the talent he gave me to love others and share the gospel with many people and I am so grateful that he gave me this talent. He gives us different talents and gifts for his kingdom.  The talent isn’t always going to be one that has to do with sports or some sort of art ability.  A lot of times it’s something as simple as caring for someone more than yourself and taking the time to sit down and listen.  I am excited to use this gift that he game me to share the gospel around the world during my Missionary Journey and I know I will have multiple opportunities to use it. 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6