“Things happen in this world that we will never understand. We just have to have faith that God does.”

Why in the world does this stuff happen? It doesn’t seem fair. They shouldn’t have to go through this. They are so young and have done nothing wrong. Why are they born like this? Children are supposed to be outside playing and laughing. Not being forced to take pills to live an extra day. It’s not fair!

Monday was my first day of ministry at Agape Children’s Home. I knew I would be working with kids but honestly I had no idea what I was about to get myself into. You picture yourself laughing and playing with the children. You want them to feel important and noticed. Sharing attention with each of the 100 children that have the HIV AIDS virus. Thinking, “man I can fix these kids.”

That’s not how it works though! You come in and play with children of all ages and just pray that they have an extra day of air. They do have smiles on their faces and with the drugs the Thai government gives them the children live longer lives. The problem is that it’s just not fair.

You ask God, “Why are these children born? Why do they have to carry this incurable disease their whole life? Arn’t you a merciful God?” You become angry and honestly a little bitter. All of this because of the fall of man. All of this pain because our ancestors couldn’t leave the fruit alone in the tree. These children are sick because sin entered the world. Even with all of that, you see a tiny glimmer of God’s grace.

You see a child that has been in the group home his whole life become adopted. The family getting him can’t have children so adoption is their only choice. They fly 15 hrs from Austria to pick up this beautiful child. You see, the parents adopting this wonderful child doesn’t see the disease that he has. They don’t see the fact that they have to give him pills every day. They don’t even see the struggles that they will deal with having an abnormal child. All they see is the perfect joy the he brings to complete their family.

A child that they can love and cherish forever. However long that the child will live. He will be loved on every day that he breaths. He will be encouraged for every step that he takes. God created him to complete a family. He created all of these children to complete a family. They aren’t dirty or different. They are beautiful in every way possible!

I can’t wait till the day I get to heaven and I get to see the large family that I have there. A family clear of disease and stress. One of many cultures and nations. All together worshiping one God and loving on one another. It’ll be a beautiful sight.

John 16:33 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I am at $11,200 for my fundraising on this trip. I need to be at $16,277 by January 1st. Please continue praying over this. Pray as well about possibly giving towards this mission. I promise the blessing is definitely worth it. Just ask these kids!