


Through the eyes of a youth…

And from the heart of a missionary.

India is an artificial castle in a synthetic sky. Her beauty is fleeting and her charm is deceptive. Counterfeit gods smirk from every street corner and shanty. False religion saturates the cities and desecrates the rivers. Heartbreaking and misguided devotion to the dirtiest, most contaminated river in the world replaces an indispensable faith in the eternal fountain of living waters.

India is the dreamy, cream-filled adhesive holding together three substantial months in Africa and three impending months in Europe. She came at halftime, heralding the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. Passports grow thicker as the months tick away. Take one down, pass it around-five bottles of beer on the wall. 

India is a breathing dichotomy. Priestly Brahmin and scholars of Vedic literature cohabit with society’s lowest rung: the untouchables. Wealthy sages meditate upon life’s mysteries while beside them vagabonds beg for their next meal. Tourists pay fifteen dollars to photograph the Taj Mahal while children across the river waste away in its wondrous shadow. 

India is a theater of war. She notably puts on display the principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness. In a land where culture and religion are synonymous, the prowler seeks those who he can destroy. Thirty-three million Hindu gods are thirty-three million spiritual strongholds upon which the devil sits. During the demonic Holi festival, millions flock to the streets to join in idol worship.

But one family stays home, huddled around the mellow candlelight, quietly singing praises to the true God. In every pocket of the country, there are such families praying for the nation to come to her knees in repentance, because God is calling a remnant from every tribe. So I believe India is an olive branch, for the waters have abated and the covenant is forever established. Though India may play the harlot, she is being pursued, and the battle is won.
 India is a victory belonging to the Lord. Pray with us.