I’ve spent the final month of my World Race experience on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, and I feel incredibly blessed. My heart has fully and wholly connected to the children, workers, and fellow missionaries at the orphanage here in Cicrin. I praise God for engineering the perfect capstone to conclude an unforgettable season of my life journey.
Here is Ometepe Island:
Here is the church:
Here is the view from my favorite hammock:
Living in an orphanage like Cicrin has presented a great and wonderful array of ministry opportunities. I haven’t spent much time journaling, blogging, or e-mailing because I haven’t wanted to miss a single moment. This month has quickly been turning into the happiest month of the entire race. Thank you for your prayers. God’s love is more evident than ever here.
Like I mentioned before, ministry is a bit all over the place. I’ve been involved in everything from laying bricks in a septic tank to performing a waltz in front of the entire orphanage community. I’ve never danced so much in my life. We eat every meal with the kids, and I spend the majority of my free time with them, as well. The kids here have such big hearts, and I often feel like they minister to me more than I minister to them. Here are some more pictures:

I thank God for sharing this place and these people with me. After living with them, I’ve gotten a beautiful picture of the life here. They get it. The staff gets it. The director gets it. The children get it. The community gets it. It’s such an encouragement to see an orphanage built upon Jesus Christ making such an impact in the lives of so many people, but I have sobering news. The Nicaraguan government doesn’t want the kids at the orphanage any longer. It wants to place all of the children back into homes. While this can be a very good thing, many of the children have been placed back into the same abusive homes they were taken out of in the first place, and the abuse has continued. I’m not a social worker and I don’t have any solutions, but I know the children need our prayers. These kids are so special…