Very soon I will be traveling to the Animal Farm. My team will be the only team traveling alone, and our specific destination is absolutely insane. I cannot even begin to wrap my head around it. But along with insanity comes sensitivity, so please be sensitive with any communication or comments for the next month. I am officially checking out, but will be back in a month when Africa is once again on my horizon! Thank you for keeping me in your thinking. As a team, we’ve decided to stay up all night in sincere and single-minded thinking before we travel to the Animal Farm, so I’m off to think about you. 😉
Side note: Without pictures, without videos, and without computers, I’ve decided to start a series of poems. I hope to write the series of poems with an intentional obscurity that can bring glory with safe parallels to nature. They might look something like this: 


“Hong Kong Song”


The trees endure forever.
They stand amidst a sea of lofty metal,
singing the Hong Kong Song.
For thousands of years they’ve listened
to the earth, with labyrinthine roots,
soaking up, along with nutrients,
the reticent whispers of man.
And as the winds of the East
mingle with the suns of the West,
and the skyline kisses the sky,
they cast their shadows down
upon the mock forests of steel,
declaring the Hong Kong Song.
They witnessed the skyline’s birth,
and they were there when the harbors were built;
They watched as industry and commerce
blossomed like flowers in spring.
What secrets do they keep in all their watching?
Did they feel pain for the child emperor’s suicide?
Have they heard the forlorn stories 
surrounding the Christmas turned black?
Do the lost songs of the slave underground
cry out to them at night?
The trees of the field endure,
crying out in chorus with all the earth,
the Hong Kong Song.