I’m so lost for words right now trying to think of how to write this blog I haven’t kept you guys very up to date on things and for that I’m sorry. I guess the best way to start this would to be to tell you guys about my health since I facebooked most of you a while back about what was going on, but for those of you whose facebook addresses I didn’t have I’ll fill you in. A little while back now probably less then 2 months ago was a rough time for me health wise. Had one night that I woke up spitting up blood I was just lying in bed thinking man this cough wont go away and every time i coughed I though i was bring up mucus which for someone with cystic fibrosis is normal, but I didn’t want to get out of bed to spit it up then after the like tenth time i was like okay fine. So I got out of bed walk to the wash room and cough and spit and it was all blood. I woke my family up tell them I’m spitting up blood later after going to the hospital and a few tests and calls find out its normal for someone with cf to spit up blood from time to time but if it didn’t stop they would have to go in and close where ever it was coming from. Well good news is there has not been any blood since then. after that I had an appointment regular check up kinda thing and had some more stuff dumped on me found out I had diabetes so that sucked. The good news about that though is that I’ve been testing my sugar levels and so far my levels have been great nothing above normal. Couple days after I found out I had diabetes I got a call saying my tests came back showing i had ostioperosis I believe it is which has something to do with your bones which was another bummer so I’ve been on pills for that to. The other health thing that I had come up was a freckle on my eye that I was supposed to keep and eye on make sure it wasn’t getting bigger well last i checked it has got bigger so I need to make an appointment to get that checked out, which I’m not in much of a rush to do cause frankly I’m tired of getting bad news all the time you know, Its hard enough knowing you have CF and then every thing else get added on it starts to feel like your drowning. So thats my health stuff now lets move on to what’s new with me. my life really feels like a roller coaster lot of ups and downs some times seems like mostly a lot of downs. I’m trying to think what to write and I’m not even sure what to say really. my thoughts are really jumbled right now so i think I’ll stop writing for now but I need prayer cause right now I feel pretty empty extremely lost and just really down I have no idea what i’m doing in life I really dont have much of an idea of who i really am some times. I need prayer I just really need to hear from God or for a miracle to happen Please pray for me.