First of all I’d like to thank you guy for your prayers I got my co-op this week which helps me out a lot and I’ve been feeling better to not as waited been doing more reading as well like the book red letters which I started yesterday. Its an interesting book not finished just yet but soon. So thank you all for your prayers.

How ever thats not all I wanted to talk about in this blog. I saw a video a little while ago on facebook I think it was someone’s in the group, but when I tryed to find it again I wasn’t able to. It made me think of the miracles in my life and I thought I would share a few of the ones I think of and the first one came quick in my life. 27 hours after I was born I was taken in for surgery I had a blockage which for years after my parents told my I thought they meant that I had swallowed a block which was pretty impressive 🙂 but its actually when one of your intestines gets plugged up. I was supposed to be in the hospital till around august the 21 or something like that, but thankfully I was out a month sooner then that. That’s the first miracle I think of when I think of the many miracles I’ve had in my life. 
The second one I think of, I cant remember how old I was or how much of the story I really remember.  I know i was young and so were my brothers, and so you know i have two brothers thats trouble right there :). so my brothers we both looking for something to drink if I’m not mistaken, and they found this bottle of, I believe a pink liquid but it was liquid, no matter the colour. Now as kids you see a liquid the thoughts in your mind say drinkable right, but of course they didn’t want to taste it them selves, at least not until they knew it tasted good; smart kids, I think I would have done the same if i wasn’t the youngest. So they decided that I would be the taste tester however, it turned out that the liquid they had found was better for cleaning carpets then it was for drinking. The poison control had to be called as i was turning blue. Thanks to God I’m still around today and still love my brothers even though they made me their taste tester, I think they gave me bugs before also, but those went down okay :). 
There are like six more that I can think of right now but I’m not sure if you want to hear them all right now I know there’s a lot of posts that go up so I’ll keep the reading short today and maybe tell you  the others later hope you guys are having a wonderful time. 
Bye for now