So this week we are supposed to introduce you to one of are team mates. I’m not exactly sure what we were supposed to do like right a bio at them or what we know about them stuff like that. sadly though i haven’t got much of a chance to get to know them all that well i’ve talk to a few people on the trip now and then but haven’t got to know anyone to to well yet. I’m really excited about the training camp in May I’ll get to meet every one for the first time it will be good times. there was one person that I did want to show you guys because I stumble across their expectations blog and I really enjoyed reading what they had to say but sadly i cant seem to find it again so I’ll have to look for it and show you guys later. 

Its hard to pick someone to introduce you to because there are so many great people on this trip, but i decided that i would pick someone i haven’t actually met yet that way we can both learn about them. So i went through and read some blogs and this persons I really liked I suggest you take a look at John Blair’s expectations the one I really liked was his third one. His website is I haven’t got the chance to talk to him yet but i cant wait to i’m sure he’s a great guy and his writing is really good.
feel free to check out more people on the team though cause there all great people. I can’t wait to see what God surprises us with on this trip.