How I was called to this mission trip, it’s weird because I thought about this for hours and I felt bad because a question like this should be easy and is easy after I really thought the trip over. I don’t have an amazing story or anything like that about how I was called to this trip, there where three things that called me to this trip the first be the opportunity to see such places as the countries we are to go to. Travel is something I’ve always felt called to since my first mission trip I’ve always wanted to find a career in something with travel that’s probably one of the reasons I first looked at the trip because I thought it would be such an experience to see all those places learn the culture and see how things are different there then what I grew up in and to be able to put my self in there shoes so that I may better help people from every culture and not just my own. 

The second thing is purpose, for the last few years I have been searching for a purpose I’ve been searching for God’s purpose for my life. I know people find purpose in different places whether it is in the careers or raising a family or even something that to some of us might seem so small like a simple factory job or flipping burgers. God’s purpose for our lives could be anything. I’ve be so unsure what my purpose is and I’m still not totally sure I may never totally know or understand but I feel that missions has a big role to play in my life and I believe that this trip is the first step to finding or knowing where and what God would have me do with my life.

The final and probably the biggest and most important thing that led me to this mission trip is God. Which might sound obvious right, well for me this is an opportunity to get away from all the distractions that keep getting me down, and it’s the chance I’ve been waiting for to fully dive into every thing God has for me to see, because lately I feel there are a lot of distractions that keep me from getting to know God as I would like to. Thins trip came at the perfect time for me I’ve thought many times that I need to find a place where I can focus on God and his word some where in which I wouldn’t have the same distractions and some where that when other distractions raise to slow me there will be people to keep me going and that’s exactly what I saw when I came across this trip I knew this is what I need, and so far since being excepted and even before when I have started to think there’s no way I will or should be on this trip thinking things like I’m not a leader what can I bring to the team, God does something to encourage me and reassure me to keep pushing my self like last Sunday when I was wondering if this trip was really for me I was sure and I was even having a hard time focusing on the music that day but then a guest speaker got up and started to talk and cant you just guess what they were talking about. She started talking about how we need to run our lives like a race and how in the bible parts talk about our lives like running in a race and I just knew that message was for me. Even right now as I see our first deadline coming up I’m worried because I know I’m far from having that first thousand but I believe that the money will come in just in time I’m not sure where the moneys going to come from but I believe that it will come if it is truly Gods will for me to be on this trip.