Darkness set in. The stars emitted their brilliant sparkling light from a distance, but they did not seem near enough to me. I stumbled through the night as I made my way toward the Lamptey house without a flashlight. My eyes were tired, my body exhausted, and my spirit constantly battling the arrows that had been aimed at me. I felt the target on my back. I felt isolated and alone. Like the sheep that had wandered away from the herd, now I sat in Africa away from the squad.
Things had not run as smoothly as I had once hoped, but then again, they never did. Obstacles made their way into my path almost every day and I found myself in a land where my problems seemed insignificant in light of the overwhelming poverty around me. There was no one around to verbally process anything which was possibly the most difficult aspect of my time there. When will this end? I just wanted to be home. That’s where people know me. That’s where I feel loved and embraced. I have direction and purpose there, surely God will not leave me here forever alone, would he? Would he only remind me of his faithfulness to see out the purposes he had in place for Ghana? Would he comfort my weary spirit? Has he forgotten me?
Upon arriving at the Lamptey house, the sky darkened to an ominous black. I could barely make out the shadowy figures as they emerged from the house. I did not yet know the path back to the hotel. I needed guidance. As Reverend Isaac approached me, we turned and began our uphill trek toward the hotel. I walked, tripping over seemingly every root and stone along the path. I nearly broke down into tears. All of my frustrations and the weariness of isolation had worn me out to the point of exhaustion. I felt as if I could not move forward another step. I silently cried out to the Lord for him to just BE with me…

As I let out my pain in a quiet murmur, the gentle touch of Jesus wrapped itself around my pinky finger. In my spirit, a calmness came. A reminder. I gazed down at my hand to see the small figure who had joined us in the journey. It was little Lelia. Suddenly, my other hand felt the sensation of human warmth as Joshua had attached himself to it. I now had no hands to brace my impending falls. We began walking once more and after several paces more, the Lord spoke to me.
“Aaron, I know it has been difficult but know this, I am true to my promises. I will NEVER leave you or forsake you. You are not alone. Just as I have provided these little ones to guide you through the night, so also am I there to lead you through the darkest times of your journey.”
Tears gently streaked down my face. In the darkness, my manhood was still in tact as they were unable to see my weeping. Although Joshua and Lelia had hands only large enough to cover a small portion of mine, they still managed to protect me. They knew the path so well after making the walk several times in the dark. In their own language they would point and warn me of upcoming dangers along the trail and I understood. They were guardian angels standing watch over my life and I knew that I was not abandoned.
As I arrived at the hotel, I wiped the trails of tears from my cheeks before light was able to reveal them. I knelt down to hug both Lelia and Joshua. As I embraced them both, I whispered a simple thank you. For them it may have seemed like nothing, but for me, it was gratitude for rescuing me. I made my way up the stairs to my room and once I arrived and shut the door, I broke down. My spirit groaned out of thankfulness.
“Father in heaven who is always near, thank you for your constant provision. You know what I need more than I. You have seen me in my suffering and you have provided. There is no one like you! Even in a remote distant land, you know me. Thank you for Lelia and Joshua, the precious ones. Even at their young age you have used them to do great and mighty things. They are the light in this dark place. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…”
As I fell to the bed, my body was finally at rest. I drifted into a deep sleep unable to wake until the Lord had given me all that I needed. I woke up refreshed and renewed. I woke up being certain of his comfort and I was lonely no more.