When our team was in Nsoko, Swaziland, one of the things that the Lord told me to do was pray over my teammates every night and to pray for the area that we were in. One night, I remember lamenting under an open sky for the people of Nsoko. It is a dry and weary place and there is an oppressive presence that hovers over the area. I cried out for the Lord to bring rain to this dry and weary land. That he would cover the land with rain for 7 days. 7 days of rain is what I asked for. I didn’t know that God intended for so much more…

A little over a month ago, I was put in contact with some students from my old high school through my mother. Apparently, their hearts were burdened for Africa and they decided to start an organization to raise money and build wells for these thirsty places. Immediately, I knew that the Lord was in it. We were able to connect the guys at Dry Tears with Gary Black and G42. In about a month’s time, they are now ready to break ground on the first well in this area of Nsoko at the G42 Community Center! So, I asked for rain and the Lord built a well. There is more to it. Not only did I ask for rain, I asked for 7 days of it. There are currently 6 other Care Points in the area of Nsoko. It is my belief that the Lord wants to build 7 wells in the community instead of bringing 7 days of rain. How about that? Does the Lord answer prayers? I believe he gives abundantly more than what we ask for!

This project comes full circle. Many of you will have the image of baby Moses in your heart forever. I know that Team Ignite does. He is not one that we will ever forget. What satan intended for evil, the Lord intends for good, “for we know that God works together ALL things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). This verse has never come more alive to me. Little did we know what kind of impact the Lord would have through Moses’ death. But God is faithful. Through death, he brings life. It is for this reason that the guys at Dry Tears have decided to name the well after Moses whose life and death has brought life to this community. Is God good or what? I wept when I heard how faithful the Lord has been through this process. It blows my mind. Please continue to pray for more wells to be built in Nsoko. Check out Dry Tears when you get a chance.

Praise the Lord!