This is now the fifth training camp that I’ve attended as either a racer or serve team. Every time I am blown away by something new that the Lord is revealing. The more I press in, the more he answers. As he says in his Word:
“‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord”
Jeremiah 29:13-14
I thirst for Him. It cannot be quenched by anything else. The night before the L Squad arrived, I went outside to walk around and listen to what the Lord was saying. As I pressed in, I only heard “Prepare the way”. Three words. I find it amazing how the Lord uses different parts of the body to complete his tasks (I’ll explain in a second).
As I thought about what it meant, I opened his word to Psalm 78. In this chapter, the psalmist speaks of generations raising up future generations and so on and so on. What has been revealed to them they MUST impart to the next generation in hopes that they might step into something even greater than themselves. It is a humility that expands the Kingdom of God farther than what we could imagine if we made it all about us. After receiving this word, I immediately asked Dan, Aubrey, and Matt to come out to our Tent of Meeting. They are J-squad members and are attending camp as part of the Serve Team.
When they came out, I shared what the Lord was revealing to me. I remember speaking of the responsibility that we have as generations who have gone through this training camp to cover and prepare the way for future World Racers. We then invited the Holy Spirit’s presence into the tent. What came from that was….incredible. Each of them instantly began receiving words from the Lord about this upcoming squad. They were breaking strongholds and barriers of doubt, insecurity, daddy issues, and so on. The list continued. The Lord was using each of us as members of the body of Christ to gain ground and bring kingdom. Each part was working together. Matt then received a passage of Scripture from God that absolutely shook me in utter amazement.
“They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus. After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”
~Acts 4:28-31
Wow. What a word! I imagined what this tent would look like if it was so filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. The poles would be shaking, the canopy would tear due to the sheer fact that it could not contain his Spirit. I believe that the Lord is doing something in the hearts of this L-squad. I believe that this is just the beginning for them. This scripture is empowering them to walk boldly in the spoken word of God and to be filled with the Holy Spirit in every nation they visit. The Holy Spirit will not only fill that tent, but will go out with them as they leave this place after this week.
There is tremendous power in exhortation and the prophetic word that God brings. The body of Christ is uplifted and equipped. What if we weren’t afraid to act in obedience and respond to what the Lord is saying? What if we really believed that God silences the voice of the enemy when we ask him to in Jesus’ name? We would then boldly profess the words of life that he offers to his people. We would advance the kingdom because we are empowered. He is LIFE-GIVING. I desperately hunger for more of what went on under that tent. I desire for that tent to shake wherever we walk as the Spirit of the Lord moves with us. Praise be to the one who is the giver of life and freedom!
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