Picture this:

A man grows up in a tribal village in an outer province of Cambodia. They don’t even speak the national language of Khmer there. Everyone around him is a Buddhist. His parents, brothers, sisters, his friends, even the little old lady on the corner who is selling fried bananas. Buddhists. In fact, his grandfather has been a monk in the local pagoda for 15 years. He gets the chance to go to school in the big city. He studies, learns, grows. At this time, he is transformed by the power and love of a man named Jesus, who he heard about at university. There’s something so different about this man Jesus, different from everything buddha teaches. After he finishes university, he goes back to his village. He has learned a little about Jesus, but is still a baby in the faith. But he is excited! He begins telling people in his home about this man. They get angry. Upset. His father makes him sleep outside in a banana tree. But it does not stifle his faith. He continues to share. Day after day. What makes this story so wonderful is that they begin to see through his actions and attitude that Jesus is okay. Eventually, his entire family comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

This story is not unlike many other stories in this part of the world. So many times I feel as if my eyes are closed. I think, “why don’t I know about these people?” But they are here. And their stories need to be heard.

It would be cool if the story ended there, right? But it doesn’t. Meet Pastor Nut Pich. He is the father of 25 children. That’s right, 25. I know you’re expecting a twist here right? Like, oh they are orphans. To Nut Pich, they are not. Three of the 25 children are indeed biological children, but as we all know that it takes more than just DNA to be a father. Nut Pich is a father. He loves and cares for all of these children with his wife Rami. They show the love and affection, the tenderness, the discipline. Most importantly, they show the love of Jesus.

His vision began a while ago. He was working to save up enough money to start an orphanage and a church. He met his wife and she joined him in his vision. They desired to take in children to start an orphanage first. They wanted their children to have great educations. They wanted them to experience a life filled with Jesus. And they wanted them to go out and be difference-makers in the world. They believe that these children will grow up to be government officials, teachers, doctors, pastors. They want so much for them. Its honestly amazing. I have seen the heart of a father in Nut Pich. A father very much like our heavenly father. One who loves and disciplines when needed. The joy of the Lord is in Bethany Baptist orphanage.

Please pray for Pastor Nut Pich and his wife Rami and their 25 children. Pray that God will provide the financial resources for them to continue sending these children to school to give them a chance.

Pastor Nut Pich also encourages other families in his church to take in orphans. He has that kind of heart.