All of the September World Racers have arrived SAFE and SOUND in Bangkok, Thailand. I’m aware of the plane crash in Thailand last night that must have terrified you all. God protected us and our luggage, but let us remember to keep the families of those lost in that flight in our prayers.

Our team arrived at YWAM headquarters last night around midnight Bangkok time. Fortunately for us, we have air-conditioned rooms and all…suffering for the gospel I always say. Seriously though, it is a beautiful place with beautiful people.

I just have one interesting story about our trip over here. I ran into a guy in the Tokyo airport. People call him “M” so I will as well. M is an 18-year old from Thailand who was on his way back after spending a year in Mexico as a Rotary Student. He’s a very friendly guy and has collected quite a bit of pins that completely covered his jacket. They commemorate his experiences around the world. Anyway, after communicating with M through english, we quickly realized that after his spending a year near Mexico City and my obtaining a degree in spanish, espanol was gonna be our best bet at actually understanding each other. I just find it utterly fascinating. My native tongue english, his thai, we meet in Tokyo, but understand each other in spanish? How cool is that?!?! God is truly at work and he is guiding this journey. I know I probably won’t run into spanish-speaking people in every country we go to, but it was still very exciting for me to talk to M. He left me with a Thailand pin that I’ve attached to my backpack. Please pray for M as he heads back home to finish his last year of high school. I don’t know if I’ll ever run into him again, but if I do, I pray that God has taken a hold of his life.

Thank you for your prayers, our team is so excited right now! This first day we are catching up from the effects of jetlag, then the following day is race day, then we depart for ministry sites. Our team’s site has changed, so when I find out where, I will post and let you know!

Also, sidenote, on, my team is Team Ignite and we are under the September 2007 participants. Be sure to keep updated on their blogs as well, they are awesome people!!
