Calm, cool, collected. The three C’s that you look for in anyone that you are following. You want to know that they have it together, that they aren’t freaking out. Because once they start going crazy, the whole group falls apart…

I guess I could say that it started on Friday when adversity hit. I was all set to take my laptop with me when it decided it was tired and didn’t want to wake up. Yeah, it crashed hardcore, similar to how I’ve felt over the first 24 hours in Ireland. I woke up early to take it to the Apple store and couldn’t get an appointment. No big deal, when to another Apple store, got an appointment, only to find out that I was going to have to send it in for repairs. Not something I had the time to do. So, fortunately for me I have this amazing sister Bethany who felt led to lend me her laptop, same model and everything. It’s a wonderful thing to have such a blessing. Well these computer woes lasted in total about 5 hours with nearly 3 of those being driving time. Crazy stuff. Needless to say, it prepared me for what was going to happen on Tuesday, the day we departed for Ireland.
Somehow, some way, the enemy loves to bring this adversity right when something big is about to take place. I truly believe that the Spirit of God is a part of The World Race. Not just by the fruit we see that comes out of it, but by how much we are attacked. In fact, I expect it. Tuesday morning, I was asking the Lord strength and peace to handle the difficulties that were sure to come that day. I asked for a clear head and a sound mind to safely get 41 Racers on the flight and over to Ireland.
JFK Airport in New York City is not exactly big group-friendly. Terminal three (where J-squad met) was cramped and there were three different points where you could check in, each about a 10-minute walk from the next. Some of our squad had arrived early to NYC, so it was easy get connected. We met at terminal four because the food court was there, and we waited patiently as other team members arrived throughout the early afternoon. The first big thing that happened was that Monica’s bag did not make it. She had such a wonderful spirit about all of it that it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. So tomorrow, hopefully, she will have her bag.
As our check-in time approached, we had heard nothing from Don. We had no clue where he was. It’s funny looking back on it, but it sure wasn’t funny at the moment. Don had already checked in about an hour before us, his phone had died, no way to contact us.
This next story is crazy. Marissa’s name wasn’t even on our itinerary!! Oh no. Remember, calm, cool, collected. We raced to the ticketing counter to see if there was anything we could do to switch one of the names from our group who did not show. Not able to. We called Jake. He bought the ticket, whew. Remember, it’s about a 10-minute walk/jog to each terminal end. Time was winding down. We had about 12 minutes before it was too late to check in. Marissa didn’t have her passport. What in the world?? We ran back to the other location, checking the sidewalk for her passport. We finally got back, a woman at the ticketing counter had it in her hand. Six minutes left. Marissa checked in, we got through security, said hello to Don and the rest of the group already through, prayed, ate, and boarded the plane. Just a typical day in The World Race I suppose.
I was calm on the outside, freaking out on the inside. Please pray that the Lord continues to supply me with calm nerves and a level head. That I would have courage and strength to lead this group. And that the rest of our time in Ireland would have minimal adversity. Love you guys!