Who is Team Cinnabon you ask? Why it’s our totally awesome dynamic spectacular Panama set-up team! Ok, so maybe that’s a bit over-the-top. Anyway, the name was derived from a specific chain that all happen to adore and partake of while in the Albrook Mall in Panama City. It was absolutely delicious!

Christie, Jackie, Krystle, and I set out last Saturday for Panama in hopes of setting up various ministry contacts for our squad. We’ve had our bumps in the road but all-in-all we know that God is good and he is taking care of us. PLEASE PLEASE be praying for us today and tomorrow as we are finalizing some final contacts. We really want to serve and be where God wants us as a whole. We did have an awesome breakthrough yesterday in finding an inexpensive hostel that happens to be right down the road from one of our ministry contacts and it is in the city! Praise God for that. Anyway, here are some pics from our time down here:

Team Cinnabon, woo hoo!

My sweet new ride

Beautiful Casco Viejo

Over 30 fast food restaurants on this floor! I’m in awe.

Outside our hostel

Gorgeous cathedral…can we say lipdub location?

We’ll keep you posted, love you guys!