Through prayers and much financial support, God has blessed me with the opportunity once again to go out to the nations.  I want to express my deepest thanks and tell you that your support has already made a profound impact on the country of Ireland.  We are seeing lives changed and people whose hearts have been hardened to the gospel are actually listening.  Through your support, I have been able to lead in boldness and confidence.  I have been pouring into this squad all that I have in me and the Lord has sustained me through it all.  Each night I am completely exhausted, only to be filled through my sleep by the Holy Spirit.  I am enjoying the growth process.  I pray that the Lord continues to bless you even through the economic difficulties for your faithfulness in supporting his work around the world.  I am honored by it.  I am currently supported enough to start this journey however, I am still in need of more financial supporters to finish my time with this squad.  Please pray about how you and others may continue to support me through the World Race.  I know that this is where the Lord has me and I completely reliant upon his faithfulness and promises.  He has assured the call in my heart.  I love you guys so much, and I am excited to share these stories with you!