Tonight I laid down in the pullout bed at my soon-to-be mother-in-law’s house hoping to fall asleep. I’ve been up in Louisville, Ohio for the past 5 days now visiting Katie’s family and friends and enjoying the “get to know you” process. Unlike the unseasonably warm weather down in Georgia right now, we’ve had 6-7 inches of snow…oh winter, how I wish you would just be done.
As I rested in bed, my mind became filled with the million things that I’ve yet to do. Wedding planning, work tasks, personal goals, and building relationships swarmed my mind as I was trying to fall asleep. For some reason, it always seems to be a major reflecting time right before I doze off. However, unlike most times, I couldn’t fall asleep. Hence, why I sit here now writing this blog.
My mind drifted to tedious things like my computer not cooperating, getting health insurance, and the endless to-do list. I thought back to fonder times of adventure and ways that I’ve experienced God move just within the past 3 years. I’ve witnessed people healed of illness, people coming to know the Lord for the first time, traveling the world over, and I’ve experienced God’s provision in my life by providing an incredible place to live, a beautiful fiancee, and a brand new guitar. He has been so good to me and shown his faithfulness time and time again. I have so much to be thankful for. Each one of these experiences has spurred on my faith to new levels. I have lived radically by faith for a couple years now and I have seen it firsthand in the area of finances. Somehow, some way, God always provides for the work that I’m doing. So as I sat thinking, I thought…why not now??
Since coming on full-time staff with AIM back in March of last year, God opened the door for me to be in Haiti and to aid in coordinating relief efforts for the World Race. I spent almost 4 1/2 months down there and I was living off of what he provided. When I made the change in September to be home working from the office, I was asked to raise $10,000 worth of support for the full year. Currently, I have raised $6100. Amazing! There is no end to his supply for sure. I thought about it tonight and the $3900 that I am still short to get me through this fiscal year and I asked him, “Is it possible to be fully funded by the end of March?”
I understand that this would take an incredible move of God….but seriously…why the heck not?? So I am standing on the promise that he has me where he wants me and that he desires to see me fulfill this commitment to AIM. A miracle. This year alone AIM anticipates mobilizing close to 1000 young adults out through it’s Real Life and World Race programs, not to mention it’s short-term missions trips. I GET to play a part in that by doing the logistics and behind-the scenes work of getting people from point A to point B. What a tremendous honor to serve in a way that advances his kingdom day after day!
So, I felt the urge to blog. I am asking not just that you would partner in ministry with me, but that you would be part of a miracle. I understand that in the economy that we are in, it is a very difficult thing to ask for support but I believe that God is doing something big here. I love that I get the opportunity to share stories with you and update you on the many things that God is doing around the world. I know that he is going to provide so I am so excited to see how he does it!
If you would like to hear more from me directly, have a small group or church that I could share at, please contact me by email: [email protected].
To be a part of the miracle, click here.
May God bless you and may his kingdom come!