Last week, I made the one and half hour drive to Gainesville, GA in hopes of catching the vision and answering the famous World Race question “What’s next?” Over the last three years, God has finally brought me to this point. Life is not just about transitioning to the next project, it is about becoming a part of a movement. That being said, I am coming on staff with AIM as an apprentice on the training side of things. I will be learning how to instruct, coordinate, team-build, and direct spiritually in the training arena. I am extremely excited at the opportunity to impart what I’ve learned over these years as well as learn from those who are investing into me.
So after everything had been discussed, I have made the decision to move up to Gainesville on March 1st. I will be there for 6 months for this apprenticeship before launching out into more long-term options whatever that looks like. This is a crucial and pivotal time of preparation for me. I hope to gain knowledge on how to create and initiate viable long-term ministries abroad during this time. I would love to invite you into a partnership as I continue this journey pressing into what God is doing in this generation. There is a movement and I would love it if you were a part of it. This a movement that is about bringing the Kingdom of God to all corners of the earth. It is a movement that desires to move and be led in spirit and in truth. I am asking that you partner with me through becoming a financial supporter. If you look on the left-hand side of my blog, you will see a link that says “Support me”. Please click on that link and follow the steps to come on as a monthly supporter or for a one-time donation to my continued work in this ministry. Without you, I would not have been able to do and be a part of the amazing things that God has done over these past 3 years. Please send me a message through this site to discover what my direct needs are to continue on staff.
In other news, I had been praying about going to Haiti and God has opened the door. A friend called and offered to buy my plane ticket down to the Dominican Republic to be a part of an AIM first-response team on the field. Amazing how God moves!! I will be going down with about 6 other WR alumni on Thursday, Jan. 21st. We will then travel to the Haitian border where many refugees have fled from Port-au-Prince. Our hope is to bring much-needed water to the border, to build trust with the Haitians, and to establish a way for long-term relief effort teams to get down to Haiti over the next year. Please be praying for us as we will be sleeping in tents, and cooking with stoves once again. We do not want to abuse their resources as a visiting team from the US. Pray for divine appointments. Pray for a way in for future relief teams. Pray that God is glorified through our efforts and that Jesus shines in us. For more on how you can donate and support the Haiti Relief fund, go here: Haiti Relief. On this blog, you will find ways and even have an opportunity to give toward relief efforts. This is a tangible way for you to get involved and be connected to what God is doing down there. I implore you to give. I will be posting updates on Twitter and Facebook as I’m able. Blessings to you all and may we show that God is truly the provider and lover in times like these!