This is actually a blog from my squadmate Heather Trimble. It was just too good not to share with you. It blesses my heart to know that our girls feel this way about us. Enjoy!
on a travel day, these six guys are out before any of us getting the [insert various method of transport here] packed. often when we’ve had to walk long distances, they’ve carried an extra full pack. they walk us back to wherever we’re staying after dark. they deal with the drama that inevitably comes with 21 girls.

when you meet aaron, you know you’re meeting someone special. he looks you in the eye. he is confident, caring, patient & optimistic…but not in an in-your-face kinda way. he loves meeting new people, building relationships and connecting people – and he’s incredible at it. aaron is the guy that asks how you are, and means it. when we get our haircut or get a new something, he notices & tells us. aaron has given and given this year. he has, by observation, been broken for every place we’ve been. for the children. for the mothers. for the men. for the pastors. month after month, aaron has arrived at debrief exhausted from truly pouring every ounce of himself into the people on every path he & his team crossed.

brandon brings deeper meaning to intimacy with jesus. in quiet time. in prayer. in worship. he is sensitive, obedient and introspective. he is awesome to sit and have coffee or a bite to eat with – and the coffee or food is completely secondary to the conversation. he pays attention to detail and remembers things…and then asks you about them later to see how things are going or how a specific person is doing. he gives readily, selflessly & joyfully. brandon has an amazing way of asking tough questions and saying tough things without being offensive…and then sticking with you through the “how do i deal with it” part. brandon is an amazingly loyal, dedicated, passionate friend, and it is obvious that he learns this directly from jesus.

the first things i remember learning when i started getting to know danny are: he loves worship, he’s goofy, he’s got a servant’s heart. months have passed. danny leads worship, and he plays guitar and worships in his free time and his quiet time. danny is, indeed, goofy. danny has served. and served. and served. these things aren’t just things about danny…they are the core of danny, and he shares them passionately with us. he is just as easily deep in worship as he is available to go do the most random, fun activity. he has, without hesitation and on many a day, gone from playing in the dirt with kids to teaching english to organizing ministry & talking with contacts. danny always has time for everyone, and he makes each one feel uniquely important.

mark is ever the big brother. growing up with two younger sisters, he is always watching over us – especially when we’re not aware of it. he waits back when one of us needs “just a minute” after the rest of the group is out the door. he is honest about what he’s gifted at and works humbly at the things he’s still learning. he has a sixth sense for when someone needs a hug or a simple word of encouragement, and he’s always available to listen. he’s also our free spirit – he loves to wander new cities and see what they’re all about, and he just might hitchhike all the way home across canada after the race!

kyle is our thinker. he has learned a ton this year about simply being with the Lord, and after any teaching, you know he’s mulling it over for awhile. he’s great to sit with and talk about what God’s teaching you and how that ties into where He’s leading. kyle has a passionate heart for prayer, and he’s always there to help with anything that needs to be done. he has an incredible tenderness towards and children. he is an equally great friend and teacher to them…although you may not notice these two qualities at since initially they tend to hang off of him like a jungle gym. anyone who knows kyle well knows that he deeply desires to live simply, connect deeply & give everything.

out of all six guys, i think seth has surprised, and continues to surprise, me most. he is often quiet, but when he has something to say, you best listen closely. he’ll say he doesn’t do a good job of showing when/how he cares, but i’d disagree. he’s reached out to everyone around him in the simplest, kindest ways, whether by cooking birthday breakfasts or a thanksgiving feast with a hotpot & two fry pans, standing to the side to let all the girls get a meal before him, checking in with people to see how they’re doing, etc. seth’s patience with where the Lord is taking him & what He’s teaching him along the way is a gift not only to his own growth but also a lesson for the rest of us.