We have reached the point in The World Race where some of my fellow teammates are in dire straights as far as support goes.  My hope is that all of us would be able to complete this journey together as a testimony of God’s faithfulness.  I ask you on their behalf to please pray about supporting each of them as you read their situations.  Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support!

Megan Dunegan is in need of at least $750 before Christmas
to be able to make it through our next ministry destination. If she
does not receive this amount then she will be sent home, unable to
finish the Race. This $750 is just enough to meet the December
financial goal, and beyond this she will still need more support in
order to meet the other goals to continue on the rest of the trip.

be in prayer about what you can give to help Megan stay on the Race.
God is doing really amazing things through her and her team. If you
would like to give you can either do it online or:

Please mail your tax-deductible contribution to:

Adventures In Missions

P.O. Box 534470

Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

Be sure to indicate the purpose of your gift on your check! On the memo line be sure to put “Appealed by Megan Dunegan”

CAMERON: http://cameroncary.theworldrace.org/

My support
currently stands at
$6515 in cash, of the total $13,000 for the year. If I do not have an
balance of $8300 by Christmas (T minus 18 days!), I will be sent home
unable to continue ministry in the remaining six countries. I need to see $1785 in
the next two and a half weeks.

COLLEEN: http://colleenfoley.theworldrace.org/

In the next 2 weeks she has to have at least $2000 cash in her support account-or she will be sent home. All together for the rest of the year she needs $6500 to finish the race.

If you would like to give to these wonderful women of God, you can either do it online (for Cameron) online (For Collen) or:

Please mail your tax-deductible contribution to:

Adventures In Missions

P.O. Box 534470

Atlanta, GA 30353-4470

Be sure to indicate the purpose of your gift on your check – on the
memo line be sure to put “Appealed by [Cameron Cary] or [Colleen