on loving each other as brothers.  Do not forget to entertain
strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without
knowing it.” 
~Hebrews 13:1-2

     God’s provision absolutely amazes me.  The more and more times that I walk into a situation completely relying on the Lord, the more often he reveals his nature of provision and protection.   Let me explain.

      During the Awakening Conference, I had the privilege of meeting several members from the H squad.  One of these members is a woman of God named Liz Froba.  Through meeting her, some amazing things happened.  And when I say amazing, this is more than just pure coincidence, it is divine appointment.  As I was making travel plans for Caroline and I this month to get to Montenegro, I realized we had to travel to Timisoara, Romania to get to Serbia, and ultimately to reach our destination in Montenegro.  After looking at some different sites, I could not find a cheap place to stay for the life of me and it was starting to look like we’d be spending the night at the train station to catch a train at 6am to Belgrade, Serbia from Timisoara.  This was gonna be rough and I was getting a bit discouraged. 

      Somehow, during our conversation, Liz asked how we were getting to our next place so I told her.  Funny thing happened.  Liz (from South Carolina) had a Romanian friend from home who had family living in Timisoara.  Ok…  Liz contacted her friend back home just to see if it was possible to house us for one night while we were on our way to Belgrade.  Her friend contacted her family and within 24 hours (just hours before we departed), things were in place.

     Upon arriving in Timisoara, we were nearly two hours late, getting in at 11pm.  Lau, the brother of the friend of Liz, picked us up at the train station in a church van big enough to carry the four of us (Mark and Caitlin traveled with us) plus our packs.  He had a smile on his face and did not complain about us being two hours behind.  We rode to his house and on the way Lau said some very funny things to me…

     “I thought you might be angels, I had to pick you up”  “My daughter wanted to stay up to meet you, she asked ‘are they beautiful?'”


Wow, talk about a mindset of a servant.  I wonder if we all thought like that?  Could we really be entertaining angels?  Interesting.  Of course, I know I’m no angel, but just the thought of serving and the joy seen in Lau’s face while doing it is enough to convince me of God’s perfect provision when we step out in faith.  The only direction we had was that we knew we had to meet up with Seven Camels and Unwritten in Montenegro.  God answered the question of how.

     So we arrived late at their house.  Lau’s mother had a warm meal of meat and potatoes on the table already prepared for us.  We sipped tea, we ate pancakes with jam, and we had full beds prepared with linens.  I am still amazed to think about it.  How does something like this happen without God’s intervention.  I had no expectations of this, but we were blessed beyond belief.  Then, to top it all off, breakfast and a ride back to the train station nearly 6 hours later. 


     How I desire the heart and attitude of Christ.  I long for it.  I speak a blessing over Lau’s household.  May they be protected and blessed for their servant hearts.  Totally in awe of God’s favor.