As I’ve been growing in the Lord and learning how to listen to his voice over the past few years, I’ve realized that my Father tends to speak to me through pictures.  Sometimes, I will be sitting with him in the morning, asking him to speak his heart to me for the day or about a particular topic, and he will begin downloading a picture or a scene to me that is very similar to a dream.  I usually try to write them down and I thought I would share this one with you.  As you begin reading, I’d like to try a little exercise.

Spend some time and ask the Lord t
o speak to you through this picture before you start.  Ask him, “what are you saying to me through this?  What does each part represent?  How does it apply to me or current circumstances?” 

As you work through these questions, I believe he will reveal his heart to you in all of it because as crazy as it sounds, I do believe that GOD…STILL…SPEAKS and it’s not only through those verses in His Word.  Aaron, that’s crazy.  Sure it is, but if you ask him to speak to you, don’t doubt that what he brings to you will come into alignment with his truth.  He’s that good!  So be still.  Listen.  And try not to look at the comments until after you feel like you’ve heard something from Him.  When you do, PLEASE post your comments so we can see what God is speaking through it, it may minister to some other readers.  If you don’t feel like you’re getting something, fine, go ahead and look 🙂  It will be cool to see how God speaks to each of us through his rhema word (or the voice of Holy Spirit) to us today.  This is just an exercise to practice listening to his voice, so here goes.

This morning as I sat before the Lord drinking my coffee, I asked him if he would begin speaking to me for the day.  This is what he showed me this morning:

A man appeared walking through the woods with a large bearskin coat draped across his back.  He was rugged and gruff and you could tell this man was a hunter.  Pure white snow covered the ground around him as he tromped through arriving at a large tree.  This tree stood directly next to a river that at the time was peaceful and serene.  I guess you could say that it was more or less a babbling brook. 

As the man stood by this tree, he decided that he would push the tree in order to establish a makeshift bridge across the river.  He strained and groaned as he used every last ounce of muscle to uproot this wood and bring it down to the ground.  As it fell, the ground shook.  It landed directly across the river, bridging the gap to the other side.  The man rested for a brief moment before climbing atop the log.  As he began walking to the other side, he was halted in the middle or perhaps decided that he never intended to get to the other side.  He rotated on his heels, facing his body upstream, and he waited.  He waited.  After a few minutes a loud roar erupted.

Raging waters rushed toward that log bridge at an intense speed.  Suddenly the waters were upon this man.  They completely engulfed and surrounded him leaving nothing unsaturated.  The man stood firm as the waters raced by.  He had no intention of falling off or crossing over the bridge.  Instead, he desired to stay in the middle where he was inundated with violent clashes of water.

I feel like God has spoken some things to me about this particular picture but I’d LOVE to hear what he’s saying to you!  I will post mine at the end 🙂  Be blessed!