First things first.  This is going to be my address for Christmas packages.  Please try not to go too crazy on these because we do not want to overwhelm our hosts with packages.  With that being said, here is the address:

Aaron Bruner
c/o Jeff Long
Faith Academy
PO Box 2016
0706 MCPO
Makati City

Now on to the Philippines preview.

Team Ignite will be heading to a smaller island named Bacolod.  We will take a 23 hour ferry boat to the island on Monday.  We will be partnering with a ministry called ICM (International Care Ministry).  Their ministry is focused on those who are the poorest of the poor and who live on less than 15 cents per day.  They partner and aid pastors in these areas by equipping them with some resources.  Our objective is to go in and partner with these pastors and meet their pressing needs.  Whether that is feeding the hungry, building walls on their church so that the rain doesn’t come in or if it is delivering Bibles, we will be there to meet the needs of the pastors.  We will be traveling to visit 9 different pastors within the 6 weeks that we will be in the Philippines.  Please pray that the Lord opens doors for us to minister to the people both in and out of these churches.  Pray that we will be an encouragement to them, an answer to prayers.  I will be trying to post a blog about each of the 9 pastors and their stories.  I want you to feel as if you are connected with them as well.  I look forward to sharing!