For most of October and the first week of November, Team Ignite stayed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia at New Life in Christ Church. Morale was high among our team because our living quarters were pretty swell compared to being in a more rural location in Thailand. Pastor Keat at New Life in Christ was our host and we stayed in his guest house within the church compound. Seth and I had our own bedroom equipped with a shower, toilet and sink and two fans. It was amazing because I like to keep the room a little cold. Lunch and dinner were provided for us at $2 a meal which was pretty good. The food was amazing! So life was good for Team Ignite in Phnom Penh.

This month we continued to establish norms within our team. Probably the most crucial is our team prayer time every morning. It sets the tone of our hearts for the rest of the day and honestly we have seen God move a lot this month because of it. We also set the norms of having team time in the evenings in order to debrief the day and prepare for the next day. Every week we try to have a “family night” as well. This time is simply to relax and enjoy each other as family. We’ll play games, watch movies and that kind of thing…sometimes it is just what we need after a tough week.

Our ministry in Cambodia was multifaceted. First and foremost we wanted to minister to our host family and their church. Krystle and Seth taught English to the beginner class while Jeanette, Traci, and I tackled the more advanced class. We taught Tuesday through Friday (Monday was our day off) in the evenings for one hour. During this time, Molly and Megan actually sought out and established another ministry opportunity to teach english at Bethany Baptist Orphanage.

The mornings were very also very busy. Everyone kinda found their niche. I alternated every morning between discipleship with the guys at New Life and going to CPCDO orphanage. Seth alternated on the opposite days while all of the girls went to CPCDO every morning during the week. In the afternoons, we spent time with the youth at the church just getting to know them better and doing some Bible teaching. The Lord was really at work during these times as we were establishing relationships. We met each other on a vulnerable level. It was amazing to see the Lord at work in their lives. To see what some of them were sacrificing in order to come to church (getting beat by their parents and other things). It was worth it for them.

Team Ignite is growing tremendously. Although we have not faced any serious conflict brought on by living in community, the Lord is stretching us and molding us to accomplish his purposes in each country we visit.

Things to pray for: That we will continue to be the church, to live in community in strength. To operate in our gifts. To not miss his purposes and to listen to his voice and his leading. Pray for health. Pray for the people that we’ve established relationships with in Cambodia. Pray that they will be world-changers and difference-makers for Jesus Christ.

Be blessed