Right now in Dublin, Ireland, 350+ Racers have come together for the Awakening Conference.  Five different squads have converged on one location to encounter God during a week of worship, teaching, and activation.  They are hungry…and so are we. 

This afternoon at 2pm EST, I hopped onto the World Race website to join the Awakening Conference streaming live from my laptop.  What I experienced has left me wanting more.  More of his tremendous love lavished on me.  More chains being broken.  More lives being healed.  More nations being won.  At first, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect from a streaming feed as opposed to actually BEING there.  Over 130 people tuned in to watch as Andrew Shearman, founder of G42 Leadership Academy gave his message on the 42nd generation and as Jonathan David Helser led the Racers in a time of prophetic worship.  What amazed me about the whole experience is that I didn’t have to be in the room to sense what Holy Spirit was doing.  Through the viewers chatting, Holy Spirit moved and began opening hearts.  People shared their struggles and ways that the enemy had been lying to them.  Then FREEDOM came.  It showed up through people praying for and prophesying over others.  Chains were broken even in the chat room!  How’s that for God being omnipresent?!  People were dancing and shouting and praising Jesus in Dublin as well as their living rooms.  The joy of the Lord is too big to be confined to a small room in Ireland.  I eagerly anticipate the next opportunity to watch and listen tomorrow morning at 5am and tomorrow afternoon at 2pm.  These World Racers on the field are world-changers.  They are the ones going out and meeting people where they are at, in the poverty and destitution and they are offering the life that is found in Jesus.  One of freedom and one of victory.   As the lyrics of one of the songs rang in my ears “there is resurrection in these veins”, the truth of Christ in us flows to the nations.  We are dead to sin and alive to Christ, how great is that?!

So often it’s easy to chase an encounter.  I’ve witnessed people traveling to Isreal to touch the stone at Golgatha or to sit outside the Garden of Gethsemane.  Anything and everything to get near to Jesus and EXPERIENCE him.  Well, here’s the good news…you don’t have to go anywhere to experience him.  As a believer, his Spirit resides in you.  What we’re seeing in Dublin and on the live-stream is an outpouring of his Spirit when many gather in his name to celebrate him.  O God, let us become the place where healing breaks out and where lives are changed because you CHOOSE to move and operate through us.  He doesn’t have to but he WANTS to because we are his body.  If you aren’t busy tomorrow morning at 5am or afternoon at 2pm, go

and see for yourself the generation of sons and daughters that God is raising up.  It’s more comfortable to sit and do nothing and talk about his Kingdom come.  Sure.  But can we actually play a part in it and not settle for just talking? 

Thy Kingdom COME!  Thy Will be DONE! On EARTH as it is in Heaven!


**Pictures from The Awakening 2009 Romania