“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”

                                                                                                ~Psalm 27:13

This past week, I saw the goodness of the Lord.  I witnessed love and I observed life.  The children at the IRIS bases of Machava and Zimpeto number well over 300 and they range from babies to teenagers.  Each one receives three meals a day as well as their filling of spiritual food.  They have responsibilities and they play in a beautifully landscaped area.  They are a family.  I firmly believe and testify that the Lord is truly at work among these IRIS bases.  After visiting these orphanages, the Lord brought me this vision:

“They will be an army for me.  They will become the generation who claims their inheritance as political, medical, and spiritual leaders in Mozambique.  They will be mine and I will call them my children.  They will change society as they know it because they are one body and they submit to Christ.  I have heard their cries and I have a purpose for them.”


It was so simple but also true.  These children who have been forgotten by most of the world are going to be the ones that wage war against the enemy in the years to come.  Against the principalities and the darkness of their world.  It’s as if they are in basic training right now, receiving all of the tools necessary to take the land.  These children have grown up through civil war in their land but they are learning that there is a war that is not against flesh and blood.  They have a higher calling.

I was thoroughly impressed with what I witnessed at IRIS ministries.  The investment that they’ve made in these children is outstanding.  They set a standard for what it means “to look after the orphans” and they do not compromise.




May the Lord establish his plans through these children.  May the spirit of poverty be banished from the land of Mozambique.  Please check out IRIS ministries.  I pray that this will be an encouragement to you to know that the Lord has called us to minister to these children.  That He has neither forgotten nor forsaken them.  Please pray for the continued growth of these children.