Somehow I just couldn’t get there fast enough. My body and my mind could not agree. Its like my mind screamed to sprint but my body wailed to rest. This burden…this encumbrance…this….noose. It has prevented me from experiencing the fullness of God on this trip. And now it feels so heavy. So very heavy. I had been deceived for the last time. This was the time I faced it once and for all.

At Unicoi State Park, I found myself walking along a path set beside a peaceful lake. This lake resembled something quite opposite to the war that was raging in my mind. I wanted to reach the end as soon as possible. However, the long walk awakened two different and distinct voices in my head. One voice cried, “should I really do this?” while the other whispered gently, “follow me.” So I walked…and I prayed.

I continued to trek, ignoring the voice of question and confusion as much as I could. Finally, I continued until I reached the end of the easy stroll only to face a monstrous vertical hike. Flags indicated a path, so I trudged on. I trudged…and I prayed. Out of breath after reaching the summit, I saw nothing but a road and a wall resembling a mountain. I found myself disappointed, tired, and weary. Then, I gazed across the road to find another flag leading straight up. Already exhausted, I continued. I climbed…and I prayed.

I finally caught a glimpse of something… I raced through the final obstacles to find a cross, sitting silent in the woods. I stumbled down, burden in hand (for me, a twig with three pine cones fit the representation). I collapsed at the cross, twig flying out of my hand. It was here that I claimed freedom in the name of Jesus from the thing that had wrecked me since the beginning of this journey.

Only then did I hear those voices for who they truly were. The voice that whispered “follow me” led me to the freedom found at the cross. You see, Jesus had already walked that hill, he already bore my shame, he whispered…follow me.

Praise him for freedom!! Freedom from what you may be asking? What was it that held me back? You’ve heard the expression “Pride comes before the fall.” Well, I’ll just say that my pride fell. And it fell at the feet of Jesus.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Hebrews 12:1-3

Please pray for unity on our team, pray for joyful spirits, pray for vision, and pray for finances.
