It really is amazing how God reveals himself to us. I mean, He shows himself when you least expect it sometimes. As I’ve been finishing my last semester of college, I’ve had an onslaught of homework and projects. The most stressful project by far has been my senior seminar presentation. I had to present in spanish for 20 minutes a presentation about my senior thesis “el cuento postmoderno: una Cuba caótica” in front of the spanish faculty and my classmates. Talk about feeling the pressure! I was so nervous…

So I woke up the morning of the presentation (this past wednesday) and headed towards my school around 8:30am. I was listening to a song by Chris Tomlin titled “Glory in the Highest” as I was driving. Here are the lyrics to the song:

You are the first

You go before

You are the last

Lord, You’re the encore

Your name’s in lights for all to see

The starry host declare Your glory

Glory in the highest

Glory in the highest

Glory in the highest

Apart from You there is no god

Light of the world

The Bright and Morning Star

Your name will shine for all to see

You are the one

You are my glory

And no one else could ever compare

To You, Lord

All the earth together declares …

Glory in the highest … to You, Lord

All the earth will sing Your praise

The moon and stars, the sun and rain

Every nation will proclaim

That You are God and You will reign

Glory, glory hallelujah

Glory, glory to You, Lord

Glory, glory hallelujah


That’s when it hit me…

I looked out the windows of my car to witness the most incredible morning view I had ever seen in my life! God was reminding me through his creation and through the words of the song that he has gone before me, He is the first! He is the Bright and Morning Star! His name will shine, glory in the highest! He had prepared me for this presentation and that I need not worry. Instead, I should bring him glory through it, yes, even through the presentation he received glory. Because of his great love for me he receives glory in the highest!

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

Luke 2:14

My presentation ended up going pretty well. I feel a tremendous burden lifted off of my chest. My God has reminded me once again that nothing is too big for him. I am so thankful for these little reminders.

PS. I’ve received about 17% of my support. YES!! Please pray that it continues to come in.

Pray for Virginia Tech. Please pray for consistency in my quiet times. I want to be so well-equipped before I leave. And lastly, pray that I graduate!! Thank you all so much!