This blog was posted from my teammate Jeanette Wheeler.  Please consider partaking:

A couple of weeks ago I was fasting and the Lord clearly asked me to pray and fast again.

                     “Pray and fast for the men of all ages and generations”

Within those few brief moments God revealed to me a real burden, concern, respect and love for my brothers in Christ.

The whole vision then began to unfold…A call for all women of all ages and from all generations to rally together for a day of fasting, repentance and interceding for the boys and men in our lives, in others’ lives, and in the world. Men are created to be Godly strongholds, pillars and towers for their families and for future generations around the world.  Some men today walk boldly in this call on their lives.  Others need to learn how to do this; they are capable – they just need encouragement and empowerment. 

The Lord showed me that for far too long, men have received attacks – on their character, on their intentions, on their actions or lack thereof.  Then the Lord shared with me how we as women can positively influence this to make change.  We are to enter into their world with encouraging, uplifting and interceding words and actions.

Beyond prayer, I was asked to repent (ask forgiveness) on behalf of how I and generations of women have thought about, disrespected and treated men in our lives. Any thought, frustration, attitude and word that wasn’t uplifting or edifying to them I was to ask forgiveness for.  As the first step I asked forgiveness from the men of the September 07 and January 08 squad. This time brought encouraging verbal affirmation on the impact that this call of obedience is going to bring.

Along with interceding and repentance, fasting was the last part of the process.  I believe that fasting brings the cry of one’s heart to a closer intimacy and urgency to the Lord.  It can be a fast of food, things, events, etc.

The day that was chosen is Wednesday, April 30th…the last day in April.

Join me for a day of impact: impacting men’s’ lives, our lives and therefore the world!!!

The vision that the Lord showed me was that this needs to spread like wild fire. The more women that are praying…the greater the interceding…the greater the change…the greater the impact.  Please join us on this day.  Send this message to women all over the world…even send them this blog.

I believe that God is calling thousands of women to participate on this day!

A few things that are laid on my heart for us to intercede for our brothers about:

-Godly men to come along side each other – covenant brothers that will love, challenge, and uplift and hold each other accountable.

-Direction in the calling the Lord has put on their lives and to rise out of a life of discouragement and confusion.

-For a life that rejects passivity and abounds in courage, strength and power.

-That they would be men who pursue the woman God has chosen for each of them (if called to marriage) and that they would then lay down their life as Christ laid down His.

-Vision, obedience, encouragement and power to step into spiritual leadership of their family.

As this day comes nearer my prayer is that God will reveal to each woman what this day looks like…for things to pray for, repent for and fast of.


The call of obedience for this day is so strong. I can’t wait to see the change that this is going to make! Thank you for joining me in uplifting the men that are currently impacting and will continue to impact our lives.