Well today is the day we are going to paint the Restaurant for Boo and Wit and most of you are still asking the question, ‘Did you raise enough money?’ Well that’s still one we’re asking too. I apologize that I have not been able to give you an update on the fundraising on either the glasses for Mongkhon or the paint for the Restaurant. Turns out the person that would tell me such a total is away on a staff retreat or some such thing.

‘So what are you going to do since you’re supposed to paint today?’, you might ask. Well we are going to move ahead in faith and purchase the paint and get to it. God is a God of provision and so we trust Him in this.

Shortly, as in less than 10 minutes, we will be going to by the paint for the restaurant. We ask for one thing more – prayers. Pray that we will be a shining example of Christ to this wonderful family. Pray that we have the energy to pull an all nighter doing this and then finish painting our house the next day. Pray for a very good sleep that night as we will be leaving around 4am to go to the Bangkok airport as our team takes a weekend of fun in Phuket.

That’s about it.
The only other thing would be to stay tuned for a new blog coming very soon.

Thanks everyone!