These past two weeks were probably my favourite in Guatemala. God has done so much in such an amazing way.

As most World Racers do, I prayed that the language barrier would not keep me from ministering well. Truth is I’ve learned a lot of Spanish very quickly and that has been a blessing. What is even better though is God put English speaking Guatemalans in my path.

One of my current ministries is working at the Cerebral Palsy Hospital in Antigua. This is a place a lot of people volunteer. It just so happened that there were 3 Guatemaltecas (Guatemalan girls) that were working there as a school requirement. They are also pretty much fluent in English due to their education. Myself and some of the others from my house had become friends with them and invited them to our Friday night Bible study at our house. Pamela so happened to be the only one that could come that night. She did, but only near the end. Our lesson ended up being shorter than normal that night and we were sharing testimonies of what God had been doing in our lives since the start of the race. Pamela arrived right in the middle of our testimonies and what was said God was using. Shortly there after, Luis (my contact) closed us out in prayer and my teammate was able to share the Gospel with her. She, by Gods grace was saved.

Fast forward to Monday. I was back at the CP hospital and was sitting there with some of the CP kids talking with Marie Andree and Ana Gabriella, the other 2 girls I had become friends with. During our conversation we had gotten on the topic of what we believed. I was able to share my faith, beliefs and testimony to them which was awesome to do right in the middle of the kids section of the hospital. After that I invited them to our Wednesday worship night at our house, to which they both would come along with Pamela.

Wednesday happened to be the day the girls of the house had a soccer game and the boys had two. Starting at 1, we had the girls all play together along with Marie Andree, Ana Gabriella and Pamela and then they all stuck around to watch the guys games at 3 and 4.

On Wednesdays we have something we call “family dinner”. Which is where 1 team in the house, my team this particular week, cooks food for everyone and we all eat together. The girls along a Guatemalteco (Guatemalan guy), a German guy and 2 Japanese guys accompanied us back to our house where we all ate together and then headed into worship time.

(Side Note: — All of those people I just said are all people I have made relationships with through either working at the CP hospital or by meeting them while playing soccer in my free time. They have a part in this story but for the sake of not making you all read a full novel I will only mention a few parts with them in it. — )

While I was in the kitchen cleaning dishes as people finished eating I could already tell God had some big plans for that night and I asked some people to pray into it and did the same myself. Those prayers proved of great worth.

God showed up right from the get go! The Gospel was shared to start, then each one of us poured out our hearts through dance, stillness and of course singing.

There’s something about a group of true believers worshipping with all their passion, heart and love for the Almighty that is just so irresistible. You know they may not have ever had an experience like that in their lives but instead of being weirded out by it, they were sucked into the love and grace of Christ. Two more souls for Christ. Hallelujah.

So now we’ve got Pamela, Ana Gabriella and Guiille (Guatemalan guy) that have given their lives to God in the span of 3 days.

That night I was able to talk more with Marie Andree. She was able to share more of her story and her heart.

Fast forward to Friday night (November 14). Another Bible study went on after a guys soccer game and after we scramble to feed our 7 or 8 guests. Thank goodness for instant pancake mix, pasta and refried beans. (Yes these are all separate from one another). This is supposed to be their last day in Antigua as they live in Guatemala City (about an hour away).

After the Bible study Pamela surprised us now for the second time with some treats. The first time was a cookies, candy and a bracelet. The second time some Guatemalan food and another cookie-ish thing. I talked with her one-on-one as she gave me this gifts I asked her why. She said because you have been such a good friend. I told her that she didn’t need to give me anything for me being a good friend but she insisted. She said, “In Guatemala when we find a true friend we say we found a treasure….”

Also after the study the same night Marie Andree asked to speak to me, to which I obliged. She wanted to thank me. This is summary along the line of what she said: I just wanted to thank you for everything. You were very open and I never heard someone talk about God like that. You have so much love. I see Jesus in you so much.

How amazing is that to hear! I’ve literally known her for about 2 weeks but she can see Jesus in me! Those were her exact words. I guess my point for all of us, myself included, is can everyone we come in contact with see Jesus in us. If not, how can we make that happen? Let’s be definers of Jesus through our lives and how we love.

These are my treasures.