Well we’re less than 2 weeks into Thailand. Looking back here are 50 true, and sometimes funny things that I learned. I hope it makes sense, if not, there’s probably an inside joke.

Here are 50 things I learned in Guatemala:

1) I left my family but gained another

2) feedback, both positive or growth is one of the things I value most

3) serving God sometimes means stripping you of yourself in order to be more effective and more like Jesus.

4) what true Christian community is and how to call greatness out of others

5) girls break a lot of things (toilet seat, toilet, window, mirror)

6) I really like soccer

7) you can have good friends from all over the world

8) playing sports can be such an outreach ministry

9) living the love of God is your biggest testimony ever

10) a better understanding of the grace God has.

11) my identity isn’t in my abilities or what people know me for, but in Christ alone.

12) Canadian thanksgiving on a team of Americans is the best!

13) I really miss snow

14) that I can live with very few possessions and be extremely happy about it

15) the same people that try to sell you boat rides, will try to sell you horse rides and weed among other things.

16) what it means to protect the women and men around you while loving the people that are causing the problem.

17) God truly picked out my team! I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.

18) that when you start learning Spanish, your French goes out the window.

19) you can fit about 95 people on a chicken bus (school bus) no problem.

20) it’s extremely hard to activate a credit card in another country

21) intentionality makes a huge difference.

22) what praying without ceasing is about

23) that even when you wash laundry sometimes it will still smell

24) that Toms really do send a pair of shoes to kids in need.

25) Guatemala is absolutely gorgeous!

26) you can roast marshmallows over lava rocks

27) the brotherhood is super important and valuable!

28) cobblestones kill flip flops

29) you have to push into the discomfort

30) people with really strong personalities and opinions can actually be great followers and supporters and not just leaders.

31) God is sovereign and at work in every nation

32) chocolate is really expensive in Guatemala

33) so is turkey (aprox. $10usd per pound)! Thanksgiving consisted of chicken instead.

34) McDonald’s is a fancy restaurant to a racer!

35) the banks take forever here!

36) black sand beaches burn your feet really bad!

37) fresh coconuts I pick from the trees are really good!

38) coconut trees can rip up your hands, arms and legs pretty bad

39) struggles don’t stay at home

40) my team loves me and will fight for me

41) chicken buses are painted way better than school buses

42) how valuable good friends are

43) what a blessings a good family is

44) bugs really love to bite my ankles

45) earthquakes happen here all the time

46) always carry toilet paper to public washrooms

47) people actually poop their pants on the race… And it’s pretty funny

48) I can lift a girl above my head and spin her around (think figure skating style)

49) I can drink coffee when it’s loaded with sugar

50)  bus drivers here are beast