Ever read through the Bible or hear stories from friends or family on how God has worked in massive ways to an extent where it seems crazy?! Yea, me too!
Ever want to be the one in that story?! I certainly do.

The scary thing is that as much as we want to be that person, a lot of us wouldn’t step up and be that person. We get caught up in the oh too common trap of keeping up appearances in order to not seem weird or uncool.
Think about it, how often have we, instead of following that small voice, done what was more acceptable by society’s standards? I know I’m guilty, even in a Christian circle when that should be most accepted and appreciated.

I think a lot of us are like Gideon. In Judges 6 we read how the Israelites are being oppressed by the Midianites. So much so in fact that they “became poverty-stricken” [Judges 6:6] and hid in caves and strongholds.

So to give you some context for this passage, the Israelites are going through a time of judges (spiritual leaders for the nation) that God raises up to lead the nation. This is a good time for the nation. However between each judge there is a period of the nation when they turn away from God. Usually this forsaking of God is caused because the nation becomes proud whether due to possessions, power or other things. God judges the nation and uses other nations to carry that judgement out but later delivers them by the judges He sends and allows peace for the nation. This will bring us to Gideon as the nation had fallen once again into sinful action and lifestyle.

Gideon was chosen by God. Judges 6:12 we are told that the Angel of the Lord came and said to Gideon “‘The Lord is with you mighty warrior'”. “ Gideon said to Him, “Please Sir, if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened? And where are all His wonders that our fathers told us about? They (the fathers) said, ‘Hasn’t the Lord brought us out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and handed us over to Midian.”The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and deliver Israel from the power of Midian. Am I not sending you?”He said to Him, “Please, Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Look, my family is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the youngest in my father’s house.”“But I will be with you,” the Lord said to him. “You will strike Midian down as if it were one man.”’ [Judges 6:13-16].

There are a few points in the above section I would like to take a look at closer. The first is that Gideon was aware of what God had done in the past through his father and previous generations [v. 13]. I believe that it is important to constantly share how God has worked in your life. Whether that’s parent to child, pastor to congregation, friend to friends or whatever. If we do not share the work God has done we make it easy to lose the wonder of God. Think of it like this; if you get this super cool toy for your birthday but don’t know how it works, so it sits there idle, it becomes useless and your desire fades for it. However, if you knew how this toy could work and has worked it becomes so much more awesome and there is a natural desire for it. By sharing God’s work and power in our lives we grow a desire and longing for Him in others hearts.

The next point I want to bring out of that God doesn’t call us because we’re supermen but rather because He is our strength and all we need. That through Him, His work will come to completion. The Lord says to Gideon “Go in the strength you have and deliver Israel from the power of Midian. Am I not sending you?” [v. 14]. Gideon protested saying he was young and weak [v. 15]. God answers him saying, “But I will be with you…. You will strike Midian down as if it were one man.” [v.16].
Midian was very numerous, in fact they are “without number” according to 6:5 but God says that Gideon will strike them down as if it were one man.
Understand this. Please, please get this.
God is not saying this will be easy. God is not saying that it won’t cost Gideon energy, faith and strength. In fact He is saying it will cost Gideon exactly what he can give. Note how Gideon still has to go to battle, God isn’t just doing it for him. What God did promise is that He was going with Gideon and that as Gideon did as he could (striking down the nation as if it were a single man) that God would provide the strength to strike down the innumerable people minus one. All this self-described small and weak Gideon needed was God to be with him to become a “mighty warrior”[(v. 12].
That ALL we need too.

Gideon despite his doubt and testing of God later on in the chapter follows God and becomes one of those people we all want to be but have never actually become.

God has called us all to become a person that we hear about in stories. He wants to show off His majesty and power for you and work through you and your willingness to be used by Him. I’m excited to say that each one of us has that opportunity, myself included.

The challenge though is for us to take the step and act, rather than just think. Act. It’s a big word concept for just a three letter word.

So as I prepare for my trip, while I’m on my trip and even after I would like to encourage myself and you to act on what God has called us to be. To be warriors for Him and to strike down our Midianites in our lives. Whether an addiction to porn, drugs etc or really anything else, it is time to strike that down.
God has won the war, but we still need to fight the battle. Rest assured that He has given you the strength to do so.

Do I have any Gideons reading this?

Stand up with me my friends and let’s go win the battles!




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Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my post. Be blessed!