Give everything. Two simple words, one big concept. Truth is I’ve been struggling with trying to figure out what to write a blog on for Thailand. It’s been staring me in the face for a while and it took one more time for it to sink in. Give everything.

Meet Santi and Noy.

Santi is an elder at the Christian church in Ratchaburi. He also owns a pig business in town. They farm, butcher and sell the pigs all by themselves. God has blessed them with a very successful business and some great children that are off serving God in the States, Nepal, Japan and at home in Thailand.

I first met Santi and Noy before Christmas, I believe it was the 23rd, as the team and I were carolling. We went to sing for them just before lunch. We drove up to this house with a gate which opened to reveal a gorgeous house at the end of a long, winding driveway. We parked, got out of the car and walked up to the front door. They met us at the door and stood as we began to sing a few Christmas songs for them. After we finished they each clapped and said thank you to us. Noiy (please note the different spelling, as this is our contact and host in Ratchaburi) told us we were to go inside and they had some snacks for us. They brought us inside their beautiful home, sat us down and preceded to feed us cake, tea and coffee while asking us about our lives and getting to know us… in as much English as they could muster (which is actually a decent amount). We took it all in.

An hour or so later we departed with the information that we were to go to a well-liked noodle restaurant near by. They had called and arranged with the restaurant that everything we were going to eat would be put on their tab. It was good food and I saw why they liked it.

Fast forward 23 days to January 15th. We went back to Santi and Noy’s house. They invited us over for lunch and a swim. Or so I thought. We ended up staying all day. They fed us so much! There was pre-lunch, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and supper! I mean I like eating but I’m not a Hobbit (hopefully you understand that reference). I was so full! They even went to the extent of buying beef instead of serving the pork they produce. All because they weren’t sure we liked pork. The day also consisted of swimming, soccer, hanging out, worship, prayer and great community! Such a good day despite living in a bathing suit for 9 hours.

Fast forward 10 days to January 25th. On this fine Sunday we went to the Christian church that Santi is an elder at. It was a church full of kind, loving people from Thailand a few other countries as well. I felt like I was back in my childhood as we sang hymns and sat listening to prayers and songs as the preacher sat on stage against the wall in a designated chair with a few other church leaders of sorts. Nonetheless we worshiped God and even sang a few songs at the front. One song we sang was “Amazing Grace” and it fit well. It was my late Grandma’s favourite and she would have enjoyed the service and sang it with all the might she could muster. After the service the church fed the congregation, a common practice in Thailand.

We next drove to the Ratchaburi floating market which is about 45 minutes away from Ratchaburi. There we bought a few souvenirs from some of the Christian ladies that went to the church we were at on Wednesday. Well we were back for Sunday service. It was another great service, filled with love, joy and worship. Santi gave the message this Sunday. After the service we drove to another floating market where we spent the rest of the day.

Here Santi and Noy made us reservations at a nice restaurant along the river. We ate crab, octopus, chicken, oyster, shrimp and rice.

This is probably one of the only times I’ll be able to say I ate better on the Race then at home! Next we took an hour long sight-seeing boat ride to watch fireflies since it was now dark. As we finished we saw Noy waiting for us along one side of the market. We got off and met her just past this gorgeous restaurant looking place.

Guess where we went next… To that fancy restaurant looking place.
We consumed celestial cakes and drank delicious drinks. I can’t describe the amazing that happened to my taste buds. Shortly the night came to a close after spending about 4 hours at this second market.

So that was a nice story about our adventures with Santi and Noy but what does it have to do with giving everything? Well these beautiful people are the best example I’ve ever seen of blessing others with the blessings God has given you.

On the day of December 23rd, they gave us Christian community on top of the food and refreshments. My team and I left there recharged and full of peace, love and grace. Every time since then we’ve all said how great we feel after leaving when we spend time with them.
On the day of January 15th, they gave us their home and it’s worth. Not only did they feed us and let us swim, they drove into town to inflate a soccer ball some we had something to play with. They fed us beef instead of pork and never allowed pride in their business and product to interfere with loving us the best they could. They also allowed us boys and a few ladies to run around and tear up their immaculate backyard. Literally tear it up, we’re talking chunks of grass missing. They gave us their house. Just before we left we worshiped then had a time to thank them. I thanked them and told them that previously I had a bad impression of some wealthy Christians as their focus had been more possessions and more wealth. I was expecting that of them too. I was wrong. When they closed our time in response, Santi mentioned how when they built the big house a few years back they did it so that they could have people over and bless them. Indeed they were holding true to that.
On the day of January 25th, Santi and Noy would not take a single Baht (Thai currency) and paid for everything and it wasn’t cheap! What a refreshing day of such blessings! As we were leaving the restaurant looking place I went up to the two of them and said, Khop-Khun-Ma-Kawp (thank you very much) and they responded, “Khop-Khun-Prajow” (Thank you God).

This is what I’m talking about.

These people gave everything up in order to bless us and show Christ to us the best they could. They gave their sons and daughters to service of God by raising them in His instruction and sent them to serve others in His love. They gave up their house, privacy and it’s well being in order to serve as a retreat and refreshing sanctuary to young adults. They gave up their money time and time again in order to bless those around them. Their biggest goal is to glorify God by blessing others with all that God has given them.

They are faithful to the blessings God has given them. Jesus said in Luke 16:10 that those who are faithful in little, will be faithful in much. In Luke 19 we see in the parable of the 10 minas that those who are faithful in little, much will be given. They have been faithful in every area, giving glory to God. To them much has been given and more is to come.

I pray that it will never be said of me that I held back from being a blessing, whether financially, in my home, with my words or actions or with my possessions. I want to be able to show people Christ through my actions and my stewardship with what Christ has entrusted me with. Besides all I have is His, not mine.

So here I am, I release the hold I have on all God has given me so that I can be a blessing to others, glorify God and bring others to relationship with Him by the grace of God. My question is, how can you bless others with what God has given you? How will you impact people to God’s glory?


Open Handed.