Lo Siento!!
I’m sorry. I have been meaning to blog the past few
days, yet I have had no words. It’s like there is a block of sorts
stopping the flow of my words. It is very frustrating to say the least.
My initial thought was that once I got out on the field my words would
come back to me, my pen would flow freely once more, the poetry of my
soul would jump to the page, and yet it has not yet happened in this
way. So, I’m sorry if this blog ends up just being a rambling of sorts;
truly not my intention.
I haven’t even had the desire to spend time online when I do have
free time to do so, the most I do will put on YouTube to listen to
music. Jake Hamilton of Jesus Culture is definitely a staple right
now…look him up. π
We’ve had a couple more days at the orphanage, called The Great
Commission Children’s Home. Zeb and I pretty much have done work outside
to help their worker, Diego. Anything from chopping away at large
avocado tree roots to shoveling dirt into wheelbarrows and taking them
down a steep hill to fill in part of the driveway. The ladies have
gotten most of the time to be inside doing housework and playing and
helping with the kids. I’ve gotten to play with Manuel a bit though and
he’s a riot…he loves playing Spider-Man apparently (totally my nephew
Alijah). π
Other days we have gone to a local hospital to help with kids with
cerebral palsy….totally hard and breaks my heart to see these
beautiful children in this manner. They were created for a purpose and
God knows that purpose. One of them may even be to help the breaking of
my heart for what breaks His…crazy to think about that.
We’ve had some small groups and Bible studies with Luis where we’ve
gotten to just hear the message given in Spanish and get acclimated
more and more to the culture and language. I truly wish the Spanish I
learned would come back to me and I’m hoping that it will in time. God
will make it happen…probably by the last week in Costa Rica. That
would be totally hilarious.
As a team, we Lionheart types are getting to know each other
more and more each day and we love each other already beyond what I
could even describe. I would fight for every single one of them without
question and we definitely had to already come together for one another
to fight off the enemy and his plots to derail us. We will NOT be
overcome for this city, Antigua, is where we belong right now. I read
this morning in my Study Bible about the word ‘sign’ in Scripture:
‘The Hebrew word (‘ot) translated sign
refers to something that is marked off or made distinct. God gave
circumcision to Israel as a sign of their covenant relationship with
him, the fact that they were set apart for Him (Gen. 17:11). The word
was also used to call attention to a particular event and God’s promises
surrounding that event. For instance, the rainbow is a reminder of the
Flood and God’s promise to refrain from destroying the earth with a
flood again (Gen. 9:13). God promised to provide a clear sign of the
coming Messiah in His virgin birth (7:14). The counterpart of this word
in NT (Gk. semeion) is used widely by the Gospel writers (Matt.
16:4; Mark 8:12; John 2:11) to refer to Jesus’ miraculous signs, which
confirmed His divinity.”
This is important because all over Antigua and our travels in and
around this city we have seen images of ‘lions’ and we are Team
Lionheart…I found this odd and perplexing, but as soon as I read the
above notes on ‘signs’, God immediately confirmed my thoughts that He
kept us here in this city for a specific purpose and that we are set
apart for His work here in Antigua.
To go along with this I also looked up the date of September 15th
(9/15) in Scripture (this is the day our team got $40,000 for this trip)
and well here is what I found:
- 2 Corinthians 9:15 ~ ‘Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.’ ($40,000 for Team Lionheart is pretty indescribable).
- Nehemiah 9:15 ~ ‘ You gave them bread from heaven for their
hunger, and brought them water out of the rock for their thirst, and
told them to go in to possess the land which you had sworn to give
them.’ (He has provided us for a unique, distinct purpose and part of
that purpose is to bring His Kingdom to this city of Antigua and this
country of Guatemala. We are His and He has marked us for greatness. Why
He would choose us is still a mystery, but I look forward to Him
revealing it to us more and more).
leading our declarations on Volcano Pacaya. Totally amazing!! I will try
and get more pictures up soon at some point…the internet is spotty
for sure and I’m still learning this netbook thing out, so please bear
with me. Also, the video is one my team did for a squad contest to show
‘What is it?’, which could be anything about The World Race. I hope you
enjoy that. He really is amazing and I cannot wait to see what He does

I also went to a free salsa lesson the other night and my
sisters said I did pretty well for my first time…that’s kind of
exciting!! π
And again, I apologize for my pen not working
the way I would prefer it to….I pray that when He is ready for it to
flow freely again that I will be ready for it and will have something
that can truly grasp what is going on around me. I love you ALL very
much!! Thank you for reading and supporting and praying for me. I really
appreciate it!! π
Stay tuned for the next blog…whatever that may end up looking
like. For now, though, I will immerse myself into Him and His work and
presence…another little tidbit He’s been teaching me. π