To a Close
My time here in Cambodia is slowly drawing to a close and I am saddened by the stark reality of this truth! Many friendships (lifelong friendships) have been formed between myself and the DTS students, as well as amongst the youth and I will NEVER forget this place.
My sole solace is the fact that since I posted the blog talking about being called to all the nations, I know for a fact that I will be back in Cambodia someday. I say this because I few days ago, as I was talking to one of the DTS students, David, he started talking of how he missed me (already) and then said, 'I think you come back to Cambodia one day.' I was thrown off at first, but I took his comment to the Lord and I have peace to the fact that this prophecy over me will indeed come to a reality in the future. How far in the future is yet to be seen.
Anyways, I just wanted to wrap-up this month pretty much. We have walked to many different villagers homes and spent time with them. We have taught English and come to the realization of just how hard of a language it is. We have taught song and dance, even to learning the dance to 'Jai Ho', the song at the end of Slumdog Millionaire (inspired by Team En Gedi). We have played, run around with, encouraged, loved on the children and youth that come to this ministry to learn English. We also performed skits, dances, and songs before multitudes of people within the three day celebrations of the New Year. We have formed lifelong relationships that will NEVER be forgot!!
I also found out that our contact, Vuthy, has a birthday on October 3rd…ONE day before mine (just two years earlier) and it became clear how we could get along so well. HAHAHA!!!
Finally, yesterday, April 21st, 2011, we got the distinct pleasure of welcoming a team of twelve from New Zealand and to work alongside them for a youth camp during the evening and night hours of the day. We had games. A time for intersession and prayer that my team led and culminated in Vuthy and his family and staff in the center of a circle surrounded by his youth, and they in turn surrounded by DTS, World Race and New Zealand teams, with everyone facing outward and standing the gap on their behalf against the enemy. Dramas, preaching, dinner together, testimonies shared, and life being brought that all culminated into a massive dance party at the end (my favorite)!!
The presence of God was surely here and I am proud of my team, of the DTS students and youth that stood up boldly to talk, and of my brothers and sisters from New Zealand. I can say confidently that Kingdom was brought and He has the rest of it all in His hands.
I love you all and can't wait to catch up on my e-mail, my time of silence from checking everything comes to a close tonight, so yes mother I can call home!!
I will hopefully get a copy of the slideshow of this ministry that Vuthy made for last night and share that in my next blog. Until then, be awesome and continue to love the Lord! Please pray for my team and squad, we get together Sunday night in Siem Reap and then travel for a long time to Bangkok, Thailand for a flight to Nairobi, Kenya in Africa! Our time in Southeast Asia has come to a final close and we move on to three months in Africa, then a month in India, and then back to the States. I'm ready and excited for the transition! My team will be in Eldoret, Kenya working with Team Daybreak (Zeb and A.J. reunion) for a few weeks before our month eight debrief in Nairobi!! Thanks again! Love you!
Three teams
Vuthy and I
Srors and I (almost sounds like straw).
His testimony is amazing…He will be a pastor one day.
Just some of the faces…