You know those moments when you start thinking of scenario conversations that could or could not happen in reality, then you totally land on some ridiculous epiphany about the Kingdom of God??
Well, such an occurrence happened to me tonight while I was on the porcelain throne before I showered (yes, probably way more than you needed to know, but I must paint the picture with accuracy).
Anyways, I was debating with someone in my mind about religion and God. It went on and on about the emptiness I've seen in the eyes of those who subscribe to every religion in this world, including those who merely 'say' they are Christian. It's pretty bleak to be honest.
However, when some of these people have truly, and I mean truly, encountered Jesus Christ and come into a relationship with Him, then they become transformed remarkably and their eyes glint with a radiance of joy no one had ever seen in them before.
Yeah, this whole scenario played through my head, then the huge, remarkable epiphany hit me.
During the conversation going on in my head with possible people it could happen with, I began talking about 'evangelizing' in other countries and how it's not really, a lot of times, about talking to people, but more in the lines of living and reflecting Christ with those we come in contact with.
The most amazing stories I have both heard about and experienced were about men and women of God going into a community to just serve the people they encountered and live amongst them as an example of what a transformed life looks like.
The epiphany for me was when I began talking in this conversation about how my relationship with Christ should be like the relationship of the sun and the moon.
You see, the sun shines bright every day and the moon reflects the sun at night to bring about a glimmer into the darkness. We are to be like the moon, and reflect the light and rays of the Son for life on earth to be sustained by our presence.
For the relationship between the sun and the moon is one of unity to where without either of them life as we know it here on earth would not be possible. The sun provides the means for life to even be possible, while the moon's reflection of the sun allows for the the tides of the oceans to exist leading to the seasons, which all life fluctuates around. Together life from beginning to end, and again, is able to occur.
For us, without Jesus we are not able to live as we are meant to live, with freedom and joyous love in our Father; whereas we, as believers, must reflect the Son so that all those around us can be drawn into His presence (His shore) as the moon's pull draws in the seas to the shoreline.
Together, the Son and His little moons are able to bring forth life from the earth and for all of creation.
I believe this is what Paul meant when he talked about being 'imitators of God' (Ephesians 5:20), as well as being considered 'ambassadors of Christ' (2 Corinthians 5:20).
So, today as you go about your life, remember…remember the purpose of the moon (your purpose) is to reflect the sun (Son) and allow for light to be seen in the darkest of nights (moments).
Oh and as the 'man in the moon' is evident from this far away, so will He be evident in you as you reflect His love, grace, and peace to all the world, no matter how far away people are looking from.
Be blessed this day and may the Lord of all Creation shower you with His precious love!
~By: A.J. Wagoner