The Door Stands Open
The past week has been a deluge of rain. I mean, pretty much all day, every day has been rain with maybe a few hours respite here and there.
Today, however, I sit in my room with the door wide open to the deck/balcony overlooking the back yard and the lake. A beautiful scene with the blooms and fresh green of trees springing back to life, as well as the melodies of birds wafting through the air.
As I sat in awe of God's creation and beauty, a wasp flew into my room. I did not have the desire to squash it, instead I commanded it to go outside in the name of the Lord. A little later it did.

My little friend.
A little bit later and it came back in. I repeated the process and it left again after a dive towards me to scare me. It won!!
A third time my little friend came in as I read the book of Zechariah. I stopped and just watched my buddy fly around the room with momentary stops on the trim at the top of the wall.
Numerous times my little friend would just beat itself against the ceiling, seemingly trying to find the way out. I spoke to it, "The door stands open, friend."
And then…
God hit me square in the eyes!!
We do the same thing as this wasp (without the flight part obviously). You see, we sit in bondage, in our dark, damp cells with our shackles on trying to find the escape, trying to expend all our energy at finding the path to the free sky.
Yet…yet, we are already free. We are already set loose from our bondage, from our shackles and cells.
If we took the time to look, then we would notice that the DOOR STANDS OPEN!!
You see Christ who died and rose again declared, "…I died, and behold am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades."
Christ went to the depths of Hell and brought back the keys to our cells. He opened them ALL!! He set us ALL FREE!!
And yet, a lot of us still sit in our gloom and doom depression trying to claw our way out through the cinder block walls. We fail to realize that the DOOR STANDS OPEN to our cell and we can just walk outside into the blue sky of freedom.
All this I pondered, while watching a wasp in my room. Then, I asked, "Why don't you just go outside right now?"
The answer came to me (almost as if the wasp was talking to me…yes bizarre): "Out there, beyond that door lies freedom, but then there are the birds and other creatures capable of destroying me or even those dumb metal beings you freely get into to smash into. I'd rather wallow in my captivity inside the room and be safe from such nonsense."
God then begin to speak to me, "Son, I have opened the doors and no one can shut them, yet my children will not come out into the sunshine and fresh air. They seem to be afraid of every sound, sometimes even their own shadow. I cannot make them come out of their captivity if they will not seize it within themselves!! It's for the taking, but they do not see it! Much like my wasp, they would rather expend their energy beating a hole through the wall with their bodies, then just walking through the door. The DOOR STANDS OPEN!! Oh Son show them the door is open!"
So, Beloved, your cell DOOR STANDS OPEN! Pick yourself up and walk through it! He awaits for you on the other side and will show you the glories of His freedom! Stop wallowing in fear of what ifs and possibilities! Just RUN through the door and seize your FREEDOM with all you've got!
Christ declares, "I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut…" ~Revelation 3:8
Your cell door is open and cannot be shut, so stop with the scramble against the far wall and walk OUT INTO FREEDOM!!!
You are FREEEEEEEEE in the Name of JESUS CHRIST!!
Thank you for reading and I hope you may find freedom today!

The door is open, will you walk out into your freedom??
~By: A.J. Wagoner