The Crusades

    We packed up the carriage with our sharpened swords, polished shields and armor, and a battering ram, set to go on Crusade for the Kingdom of God and take the village of Masiliba by a surprise advance through the mountains. We left on Wednesday evening with many stops along the way to pick up other Crusaders and equipment for the battles ahead. We made it to our home-base of the Ambassador to Thailand's beautiful castle and grounds, which had luscious green lawns and mango and maize growing all around. We went straight to sleep that night on mats resting on the floor and prepped ourselves for the days ahead.

Our carriage

    Already this night the forces against us were in an uproar, not appreciating in whose Name we came in; they began counter-attacks all through the night. The light and darkness of the world convulated to exreme proportions.

Shield and armor

    Alright, so, in the morning, we spent some time in prayer and headed out on our carriages and steeds ready to take the enemy by surprise throughout the day. We journeyed in our carriages to another village along treacherous dirt roads, through mountains and herds of bulls with gigantic horns. At this village we held a seminar to shed light upon the love of God and the purpose for our time here in Uganda. Afterwards, we headed back to our castle and staging ground to prepare for the Crusade that night.

Horns so large…

    Shields and armor have been set up for the evening and the stage is set for the attack on Masiliba and its forces of evil. I, set to share first, stand to attention on the platform and begin speaking of the Fall of man and the redemption that comes through Jesus Christ; however, the enemy had a surprise attack and the heaviness of the darkness stopped my words in their tracks. I somehow still get my words out enough that three come out of the darkness. I let go of the reins from there and Jake took over.

    He brought the light, which strengthened the lights of those around us, while I languished in despair from the darkness' order in their attacks against me. It took Jake afterwards praying for me and me going to God to re-place my armor on to overcome the heaviness. It worked, but there was a casualty that night…

snagged by Jake

    Jake became very sick after the end of that night and into the next morning. It broke my heart to see that the enemy could take one of God's sons out in such a way; however, we had to keep going with the battle plans. More time at a squire's training grounds and a priestly establishment before setting back up for the second round of the attack.

    This night, Lindsay and our new Crusader, Eddy, brought the heat through their message and translation that the atmosphere completely changed from the night before. The darkness had receded and it was more freeing to worship and pray for the people around us. Many were brought forth from their darkness and the light gained a massive victory.

    All throughout this time I spent time being instructed by a manual known as 'Victory Over the Darkness' by Dr. Neil T. Anderson to learn more about who I am in Christ and who I am as a true Crusader for God. The last day I shared from this manual at the priestly establishment (aka the local church) and the saints were strengthened; whereas, during the night I stayed back at the castle to look after our dear brother, Jake, who has been recovering since that first night. The rest finally came back from the battle that had to take place in the rain and we packed away all our gear and journeyed through the night in laughter and high spirits from the power of God that provided such great victories for His Crusade.

Some kids

    *Note: the swords we used were the Words of God from Scripture, the shields, armor, and battering ram was the gear and equipment we took to amplify our voices throughout the region, the carriages and steeds were the van and pick-up truck we traveled in to the village. I just wanted to write this in a fun manner, either way God showed up as we went to a village to share the Gospel and love on the people we came in contact with, as well as became even closer to those we are spending the month with here in Mukono, Uganda. Our family here is amazing and there is so much hope and light radiating from this place for their country.

Edgar and I