How do you write your heart, your soul into 500 words or less? How do you share with others the deep wellspring of love your drumbeat heart can give? These words will be my attempt to let my heart shine from pages yet unseen.

            My seventh grade homeroom teacher wrote in my yearbook that I follow the beat of a different drum. Obviously, as a thirteen-year-old, I had no idea what he was talking about until years later after accepting Christ into my heart in ninth grade. Even before I knew Him, Christ held the drumsticks and beat the rhythm of my heart.

            Now, over ten years later, Christ continues to beat the drums of my heart and I must heed His call. My passion is Him; my desire is to love as He loved, to follow Him into the unknown is a quest far greater than the Holy Grail. It is indeed my destiny to be a light unto the darkness and shine His love to the poor and down-trodden, the widows and orphans, the lost.

            In the movie Barnyard, it is said, “A strong man stands up for himself; a stronger man stands up for others.” Through Christ, I am that stronger man that can stand in the gaps of the frontline for the souls of men, women, and children God places along my path. In the process of the journey, God will continually re-form and re-shape me into the man He has always desired me to be. His voice and His stories through my experiences and those around me dwell within me ready to be released to be that one person that can reach out and grab the hands of those He desires for Himself. Indeed, they are the panoramic views at my disposal for His glory.

My poem Panoramic Views from March 16, 2009 etches these views into the ideas that I am capable of expressing through Him:

We laugh, we cry, we sit, we play, 
                As we go through these panoramic views
Of epic proportions with epidemic forces
To decipher God’s truthful clues.
We hunt, we gather, we shop, we bargain, 
                As we move from portrait to landscape
Of life’s decisions and double-dyed storms
To gather the tide across the endless dreamscape.
So, we fight, we fall, we rise, we pray, 
                As we run towards the King
Of epic proportions and supernatural forces
To caress His cheeks of gentle Spring.
Yes, we journey, oh we journey,
Through our Mirror’s panoramic horizon
Of astronomical love, joy, compassion,
To reveal the One to emblazon.
            In effect, my journey is His journey as I am His hands and feet. He has called me more powerfully than any Marine and I am ready to follow, yes I must follow the Creator, regardless of anything else. The quest has been set and He beats the rhythm of my heartbeats to move into the chapters of life yet unwritten to be a masterpiece for Him.