Team 'The Cavalry'

    Meet team The Cavalry:

        Former RockStars: Lindsay Dobner, Ashley Auman, Emily Toles, Annalisa Vasiliauskas, and me, A.J. Wagoner. Plus former Raised member, Jake Hilderbrand, a mighty man of God who has a gifting and anointing to be a preacher and life-bringer.

The Cavalry

    The Cavalry in most ancient cultures was leaned on heavily to help with battles day-in and day-out, and in most of these ancient cultures what made or broke certain battles depended largely on the success of The Cavalry. Also, The Cavalry had many different aspects to it, depending on the decisions of the leading officer (in our case, God). These aspects meant that The Cavalry could be sent in first in a battle, could be sent on the flanks of opposing armies as the infantry were engaged, or they could be sent in behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy's armies and/or the enemy's plans for reinforcements or caravans of supplies. The Cavalry was trained to fight with diligence, finesse, and strength and were relied upon to be men (or women) of loyalty and valor that would never back down when called into action.

    All this to say that the six of us feel that we as a team are being called to move forward, to follow God with all haste and urgency into these next four months to bring the Kingdom into the places we go. With the addition of Jake, most would think we would take steps backward, as we have to go through the process of getting acquainted with one another; however, this is the opposite for us, for we feel with Jake that we are meant to go forward and into the fray as soon as possible. We as a team will NOT back down from any fight that is brought before us, but in the same way we will wait and rely upon the direction of God, the Commander of our lives, and will never allow for disunity or disloyalty to creep in as we fight for Him!

    We are going forward and not backward, NEVER backward, and as Jake shared his true testimony with us and Team Daybreak last night, things have already been set into motion for the advancement of the Kingdom through The Cavalry. The Cavalry is who comes in at the last second to help save those in the throes of battle and help turn the tide for the Kingdom!

    I am reminded of The Two Towers and the battle for Helm's Deep, where Aragorn was told by Gandalf to look to the east on the fifth morning. So, as the King of Rohan and his limited followers still alive rode out for one last HURRAHH!!…all battle stops as to the east, with the coming sunrise, comes the White Rider (Gandalf in this instance) with the Riders of Rohan, or Rohirrim, The Cavalry of the nation of Rohan to turn the tide and come to the aid of their countrymen and friends. For us, we come with Christ, our White Rider, to go to these next four nations and beyond to save our brethren, our brothers and sisters in Christ and nothing else matters but their lives, upon which we would gladly give all of ourselves to rescue.

    For this month, new Team The Cavalry, is working alongside Team Daybreak at Releasing Destiny Ministries in Eldoret, Kenya. Pastor Patrick is an amazing man of God and he and his family are touted as the best contacts in all of East Africa (even to the point that two teams on the K-Squad felt the urge to come here for two months on their race…which after a few days of being here I can see why).


    We will be preaching, evangelizing and just bringing Kingdom through house visits, church services, Bible studies and sharing life with fellow brothers and sisters here. It's amazing and I am honored and humbled to be here! I say this, because I had read a blog about one of my sisters on the September squads that got to come here and help Pastor Patrick record a song, and it was then I told God that this would be an awesome place to go…lo and behold, that's where I'm at and God heard me in that moment! Praise the Lord!! He is good and faithful!! God Bless!!

Just a view from the house.

    Please read the poem I wrote about 'The Cavalry,' which not only speaks of our team, but also to all of the brethren of Christ who have heard the call to fight against the darkness in this world! Also note that I am still working on getting the slideshow from Cambodia onto YouTube for your viewing pleasure.