Stories Unfold

    I will admit it hasn't been easy being here at home. I don't know why, it just hasn't. I miss my squad. I miss my team. I miss my family, S-Squad. They became closer than friends and closer than any others in my life. I couldn't figure out how or why until today.

Team The Cavalry

    You see for the Kingdom Dreams Searchlight, I was asked to read Donald Miller's book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, which is basically all about discovering the meaning of a good story. A story, whether on film, paper, or real life, worth living and sharing about.

    It was an interesting book that opened me up to the thought that I am to live a great story, a grand story, an EPIC story with my life; regardless, of how it is lived, but one that is lived in such a way that lives are inspired and changed to want more, to desire more with their own lives. The book also has awakened a desire for the next grand adventure outside of The World Race for I came to realize just how much of a change in story The World Race has become for me. I was stagnant in my walk with God, stagnant in life really, and yet The World Race has awakened so much life and hope within my own soul that I long for the next time i can just pick up and go, but know that at this moment I am here with my family to bring His Kingdom into this house.

    Donald Miller wrote, "If I have a hope, it's that God sat over the dark nothing and wrote you and me, specifically, into the story, and put us in with the sunset and the rainstorm as though to say, Enjoy your place in my story. The beauty of it means you matter, and you can create within it even as I have created you" (A Million Miles in a Thousand Year).

    So, you see, God has grafted us all into the story, into His story because we MATTER, because He loves us SO much that He desires us to be apart of His creation and handiwork. How amazing is that!?!

    My story is not yet finished. There will be more 'inciting incidents', 'positive turns', and even 'climaxes' to propel me even further into His presence and truth like never before. I am excited for these moments and hope that with every breath I have left on this earth that I can live a story that brings Him honor and glory!

    I will tell you more of what's next for me, once I figure out more…haha. Until then, know that I love you and thank you with every breath for your support and prayers throughout the past 11 months and for all the months to come in the future. For now, the King awaits to paint a beautiful piece and I'm His paintbrush this day as more of my story begins to unfold.

    Where does your story look like and how is it unfolding today?

A little side story in NYC…mall of trees!

    God Bless!