Simply wow!
It has been very interesting these last few weeks. A lot of things have come up that I believe have been the devil trying to destroy me with renewed vigor and getting me to hurt those closest to me. God, however, in His infinite wisdom has used these attempts to bring to surface the flaws He wishes to smooth away from my character. It’s still been a very tough battle, but I’m on the winning side…yes indeed am I on the winning side!! Go JESUS!!!

I got a bunch of support letters printed off and am in the process of trying and getting them to who they need to get to. Those I’ve already gotten them to have already said they will give and support me!! 😀
You have NO IDEA how those words truly lift my spirits and heart. Still a long way to go, but mountains have been moved and God and I are moving forward together!! So amazing to have a King on my side! The Lion of Judah is by far the one I wish to follow!
Those closest to me still don’t understand everything that has happened and the things that have occurred, even with me trying to explain the devil’s plans and then God’s alternate plans to bring it all out for my good and most definitely for HIS GLORY!!
I know things will start to pick up…on this journey and it’s not always going to be a snail’s pace. Good thing He’s GOT ME!!
I told someone that I would post the link to the support card on here, since I failed to get to a printer recently to print those off after forgetting to do so beforehand. So here it is:
(Thanks Debbie! As well as Chef Albert and Major General John Albert!)
Ladies and gentlemen….there’s TWO WEEKS ’til TRAINING CAMP!! I finally get to meet my new family that I will be sharing this journey with for 11 months starting in October!! SOOO EXCITED!!! I’ve already been encouraged by quite a few of my teammates…(definitely Nikki Medders, thanks sis!)