Alright, sooo I had the intention of blogging about this fast I am on with Miss Chelsea Angel or even to blog about my day hanging out with my buddy, Phil C., and writing about the interesting afternoon questing for Him…

However, God has a different idea in mind….does this leave you in awe and suspense?? laugh

  I decided to go down to our field here at my parent’s house and just rock it out to Jonathan David Helser’s cd and totally began to do so, yet my headphones played hookie and decided to go MIA in the working department. Being dismayed and a little heartbroken, what does this Prince of the King do??

  He begins praying in the power of the Spirit and making declarations left and right!! Yes, making declarations, you heard it! I declare that every member of S-Squad will get all funds and beyond necessary for this endeavor. I declare that S-Squad will rock the nations for Jesus. I declare that S-Squad will storm the gates of Hell. I declare that I will FIGHT for every single member of S-Squad and all those I love everywhere in the world! 

 Now, you may find this strange, which it could be (until you see 200 people do it on furniture, then you’re like wow ok…I stand corrected)…anyway, here I am making my declarations with my glasses off, in cargo shorts and flip-flops (yeah I like shirtless feeling) and what does God do when I look up to His Heavens and stars…

 He sends a shooting star to streak across the sky! I immediately started laughing and praising Him all the more. Then the King whispers, ‘Son, this is my signature to affirm and confirm S-Squad’s declarations spoken individually and as a squad, spoken in silence or at the top of ya’ll’s (yes, I hear ya’ll’s) lungs. Every declaration will come to pass! Every declaration will occur!! I love you, Son!’

 Imagine my face, grin from ear-to-ear and peace flowing through my veins! Oh my Lord, you are so good and faithful!

I then heard Him say, ‘Aim high Son, you and your squad, aim higher and higher with your declarations!’ So…
that’s what I did. I declared for my eyesight to be restored within the next 11 months; for S-Squad to go to Australia either for a lay-over or at the end of the Race as a squad to breathe life there; for all my brothers and sisters to be guarded and protected by the King! I’m sure there’s more that will come before the end…haha! I love my God!!

Oh just to show off some more, I came up to the house and was laying on the deck by the pool, again with my ‘eyes’ off and shut, so He has a drop of water fall upon my ear and I open them wide….what do I see but another shooting star across the sky!!! How amazing is that!! The first one was picture clear and bright and I can still see it. The second was fainter and I had to look more closely, but it was still God like set this to your core and get ready to be blown away! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I love you Daddy! You are awesome!! (oh sorry, got excited!)

          Alright yo, come back next time and I’ll either talk about the fast or the day with Phil or well maybe something totally different, you never know with Daddy, He likes to throw curveballs sometimes! heart