Searchlight Service
The past week or so I spent in Gainesville, GA at the Adventures in Missions base helping with the Kingdom Dreams Project Searchlight. The whole time was God breathed and great for filling me up.
First, I want to say thank you to Jake Rodriguez for the coordination of the serve team and for AIM allowing me to be the leader of this team. Thank you to Elizabeth, Ryan, Brian, Connie, Erin, Amanda, Kyle, Jonathan and his wife, Mark, Zach, Tracy, and Kristen for all your hard work and your kind words of encouragement to me. Also, to the Hylton's for allowing us to stay with their beautiful home and their alpaca!! 😀

Yes the alpaca came into the kitchen!
Second, Project Searchlight is a time for Alumni Racers (usually just off the field) can come together and be motivated and pushed into the 'next steps' that will lead to their dreams and passions becoming a reality. I attended the one in September after the Awakening and it helped me so much towards figuring out God is leading me; hence, why I shall be going to London and Ireland within the next six months.
This Searchlight there were about 100 to 120 WR Alumni who attended and no matter what curve balls were thrown our way, I believe the serve team was able to hit everything out of the park.
It's been an encouragement to see this group of Searchlighters' already purchase tickets to go back to Cambodia and Thailand or make the decision to join the AIM staff. So amazing!
For me, the week was indeed exhausting and I'm still recovering, but it was also a week of life and being spoken into again, whether from squadmates in Gainesville now, other AIM staff, or new brothers and sisters I had just met.
I also know, for a fact, that Ireland is indeed where the Lord intends for me to go within the next six months. The how and exactly when is still unknown, but I trust Him with everything I have.
Thank you again for everyone who reads this and lifts me up in prayer!! I greatly appreciate it! Please stay tuned for more about Ireland. I will let you know more when I get more details, until then I must now figure out where I am meant to be within these next six months. Keep praying for me and leave some comments please!! Thanks!