
*These next few poem/stanzas are random lines I came up with, but never finished. I’m not sure God intended me to finish them completely, so these are what they are. Maybe they’re like little lines of wisdom or something in that fashion…

‘Unify my soul, oh my Lord!
Unify my life to your Ways!’
‘A world full of dread,
A life so chaotic,
Demon-fire licks my mind-
All hope now exotic.
A heart’s throne broken,
Toppled by one’s evil desires
As we tell Christ to go-
And call His disciples liars.
So, the Lord backs away
And leaves our lives to mend
As we move on alone
To toil after the wind!’ (*Ecclesiastes 5:16)
‘A Lord to be thankful for-
                  The Rock by which we depend upon,
For freedom and salvation,
From being Satan’s pawn.
His love reigns supreme
From the sunrise to the sunset;
All throughout history
Stands Christ’s silhouette.
His blood and tears guide the timeline,
Even before His willful sacrifice,
Since Christ was, is and will be,
No matter how we throw the dice.
So be thankful for the One-
The One who directs us all
Through life’s uncertainties
And Eden’s ultimate fall.’

*Wow, I have a lot of these random poems w/ no names…lol.

‘The weight of the world crashes down upon me,
Hercules falters and loses step,
Stronger than Atlas, yet down on both knees,
My heart heavy from all the tears wept.
Stuck in the mire of the Valley of Death,
Shadows loom high in the sky,
I’ve got one escape, one escape only-
The love of Christ descends nigh.
He plucks me from the morbid depths,
Sets my feet upon dry land;
The King comforts me with rod and staff,
And guides me forevermore, hand-in-hand.’
*the next one actually has a title…I definitely haven’t gotten to be done w/ it…
Turn the Page
‘A life’s story begins on a single page,
The author of perfection adds breath-
The heartbeat to the adventure, the mystery,
The lifeline to the romance, the history.’
‘Stuck in the mire of a thousand woes,
Lost in the middle of the bayou,
I cry out your Name, Jesus-
For I can only be saved by you!
Yes! I feel your soft embrace,
Your gentle touch upon my soul
To calm the nerves, the stress,
To ease the discomforts of sin.
I’ve been lost in brambles,
With thorns in my side-
Taken aback by your kindness and love,
All night long, I cried.’
‘In the middle of the night, I hear your voice,
Thunder from the sky, so rich, alive,
Lightning flashes from the east, tendrils of your hands;
I must follow; I must follow, in you I dive!
I’ve been down in the valley of the shadow of death,
Lost in the Wilderness, Holy God!’
‘I am a statue in the night
With a vendetta to fight-
Thought you’d sin, thought you’d win,
But then, oh yes, but then,
Arrives the Lord’s Knight!’
‘Life’s a drama,
Tears slide down,
Waterworks to symphonies,
I’m afraid to drown!’
‘I’m blessed with an amazing church family;
I’m blessed to have friends there for me.
You never know how much you got ‘til you lose it all;
You never know how much you got ‘til you make the ultimate fall.’
‘Leaves rush past my face
As I walk down the old country lane,
Surrounded by sentries, stark and brisk,
Not sure of how they know my name.
Whispers of a time long ago,
When men and women took the same path,
I’m reminded of the ‘Road Less Traveled,’
And how so few follow the Way-
Yet, I know the right choice has been made,
            For I follow the Christ,
            Yes, I follow the Christ!
            Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I follow the Christ! Hallelujah!!!’
Unique and Ready
‘I am a unique flower,
I arise by only His power;
I still stumble and fall
Even when I give it my all-
Still I bloom by the grace of God,
A unique flower to live by a simple nod.
I search for a ditty or psalm,
Yet no words can express my heart-
No melody could ever compare to yours,
Nor could I fathom where to start,
Search for perfection, nigh impossible-
No guidelines to follow, not even a chart.
Around and round I go,
Always ready for what I need to know,
God prepares the path for me to follow
Even if it’s hard to swallow-
I’m ready either way to be the man,
The man God intended for me to be.’

….well, folks that’s about all of the random ones I have in my notebook…I do have a title to a poem ‘Driftwood’ but have yet to come up with something…I think I had something at one point, but alas I’ve lost it….

I hope and pray that these works and all others have helped at least one person going through a tough time…someday I will write a book of poetry…someday…:-D

I just felt like I needed to share some of my poetry. Not sure why I picked the random ones, but it seemed like the right choice. 😀